New York

A Phobia To Noise

 Mr. Popescu, a brave citizen of Bucharest, abode on a street in the slums, where a coach driving past every other day would make a sensation. Cots would vanish into the vast grounds, enabling each of their landlords to bellow to their heart's content, commit murder

Dimitrie Cuclin

COMPOSER, MUSICOLOGIST, WRITER, FOLKLORIST, INSTRUMENTALIST, ESTHETICIAN, PROFESSOR, BYZANTINOLOGIST, PHILOSOPHER Born in Galatzi (24 March 1885), he began his musical studies with his father, the composer and professor Constantin Cuclin, continued at the Bucharest Conservatoire

Traviata On The Grass

excerpt When I first met her, she said she adored Pablo Neruda's poetry and La Fontaine's erotic fables, which are un petit secret délicieux and, once a month, she would listen to a fragment of Le Petit Prince, interpreted by Gérard Philippe. She also told me

One Afternoon With A Nymphomaniac

excerpts  I passed the entrance exam in philology at Cluj, but I was already bored after my freshman year. I had the best results in my class, but that was not my place. Whenever I danced at parties, and I felt the boys' knees splitting my legs through my dress, my

To A Departing Mistress

You call it true love, and believe t'was so…I call it a brief lapse of sanity…Yet what it was,What it was meant to be, The two of us, perhaps, will never know.  It was a dream we lived upon a shore,A sad song brought to us from distant landsBy some white birds

The Violin Player Ion Voicu

It is hard to say when the Gypsies came to Romania for the first time, and then settled for good, but the oldest documents date from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, when the royal charters mentioned the fiddler slaves, sold alongside the dependencies and objects from

The Images Of The Nations. Ethnic And Ethic Characteristics

* The boom of geographic discoveries and trading expeditions that began on the eve of the Renaissance and continued throughout that era developed a new taste for describing remote, if not downright imaginary, countries and peoples. Before being discovered, the savage was

She's All Eyes...And Ears

Visky András's play Juliet was launched into an international orbit. It was translated into Romanian, staged at the National Radio Theatre, and made into a CD. The play is requested in New York; the Greeks want to play it… Its success is well deserved. It is a sincere

Pentecost At Csí­ksomlyó - A Hungarian National Holiday?

Situated on a hill in the midst of the Csík valley in the heart of Szeklerland, the Franciscan order in the small village of Csíksomlyó hosts the largest annual pilgrimage in Central Europe. Regardless of their religious affiliation, three to four hundred thousand Hungarians

Mémoire Sur La Possibilité De Réglementer Par Voie D’entente Internationale L’exploitation Des Richesses De La Mer

Le Comité d'experts pour la codification progressive du droit international de la Société des Nations a eu, à coup sûr, une heureuse idée, qui répondait à un besoin très ressenti, en portant sur la liste provisoire des matières de droit international, dont

Traitement Du Diabète

Le rôle physiologique du pancréas, en tant que glande digestive, a été mis en évidence par Ch. BERNARD. En 1877, LANCERREAUX – en découvrant le diabète pancréatique – a montré que le pancréas est aussi une glande assimilatrice. En suivant les traces de notre

La Fin Du Monde, Une Histoire Sans Fin

C'est même la fin d'une civilisation. Le monde blanc se meurt. Le monde industriel de souche européenne – un milliard d'hommes, 40% des terres émergées, le quart de l'humanité, 80 à 85% des ressources et près de 99% de la puissance – est en