The Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse - Ioan Popei Art Exhibition in Bratislava

Between June 23-30, 2016, the Embassy of Romania in the Slovak Republic and the Romanian Cultural Institute in Prague organize a cultural program aimed at promoting the Romanian Traditional Blouse in the host country, given the fact that on Sanziene Day, which fall on June 24th, is celebrated  every year the Universal Romanian Blouse Day, since 2013.


June 23-30, 2016, Archa Gallery, Továrenská 10, 811 09 Bratislava - Flowers from the Carpathians / „Flori din Carpaţi" exhibition by Ioan Popei

June 24-25, 2016, Primaciálne námestie, 814 99 Bratislava - presentation stands displaying Romanian Blouses from 3 historical regions: Moldova/Piatra Neamţ, Muntenia/Horezu and Transilvania/Sibiu

June 27-28, 2016 - Working meetings with representatives of the Fine Arts Academy in Bratislava

The Romanian Blouse, characteristic national piece of clothing, is made of white wooven fabric adorned with sewn signs and patterns. It is our cultural matrix, a symbol of identity and creativity in Romania, that dates back to ancient times. The traditional materials and the patterns applied on them (flowers, butterflies or geometrical patterns) reflect, even today, how the ancestral heritage has been conserved and passed on from one generation to another.

Ioan Popei will present the exhibition Flowers from the Carpathians / „Flori din Carpaţi". Talking about his oil paintings, professor Lucian Strochi, art critic from Piatra-Neamț, said : „In his works, the artist Ioan Popei uses the therapeutic properties of colours, irrespective of the chosen topic. The artist makes me believe that he is mesmerized by his paintings himself."