Participation of Romanian choir ARHANGHELII from Orastie in the International Choral Festival “BRATISLAVA CANTAT II. 2015”

Romanian programme:
October 1, 2015, 7 p.m., Jesuit Church, Franciscan Square, Bratislava – featuring at the official opening of the festival
October 2, 2015, 5 p.m., Mirror Hall, the Primate's Palace, Primate's Square, Bratislava - performance in the section of “Musica sacra a cappella”
October 2, 2015, 5:36 p.m., Mirror Hall, the Primate's Palace, Primate's Square, Bratislava – performance in the Orthodox Church Music Section
October 2, 2015, 6 p.m., Mirror Hall, the Primate's Palace, Primate's Square, Bratislava - free program for the piano

More information to be found on the official website of the organizer:

Free entry!

The choir's activity led, from 2012, by the young conductor Ioan Marius Popa, PhD student in Religious Music at "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, is not limited to the service of the parish, but also extends to secular music concerts, in both national and international competitions. First participation at an international festival was in November 2014, in Prague, at International Festival of Advent and Christmas Music (“Petr Eben” Prize) where ARHANGHELII earned the Bronze Diploma.