Premiere of the Romanian film Sieranevada at the Be2Can International Film Festival in Prague

The Romanian film Sieranevada by Cristi Puiu, which knew international success in Cannes 2016, will have its premiere and will be launched in the Czech Republic during the third edition of the Be2Can International Film Festival - echoes of Berlinale, Venice, Cannes. Between October 6-13, 2016, the Romanian Cultural Institute in Prague in partnership with the distribution house Film Europe Media Company organize a series of seven projections at various cinemas in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Olomouc and Zlín, as follows:

7.10. 18.00 - Kino Art, Brno

7.10. 19.30 - Minikino, Ostrava

10.10. 20.00 - Kino Lucerna Grand Hall, Prague

11.10. 20.00 - Kino Metropol, Olomouc

11.10. 20.30 - Kino Evald, Prague

12.10. 20.00 - Kino Lucerna Small Hall, Prague

12.10. 20.30 - Golden Apple Cinema, Zlín

Three days after the terrorist attack on the offices of Parisian weekly Charlie Hebdo and forty days after the death of his father, Lary, a doctor in his forties is about to spend the Saturday at a family gathering to commemorate the deceased. But the occasion does not go according to expectations. Forced to confront his fears and his past, to rethink the place he holds within the family, Lary finds himself constraint to tell his version of the truth.

Echoing three important international film festivals - Berlin, Venice and Cannes - Be2Can is a „search engine" and a reference point to the film lovers. 

Sieranevada will be launched in cinemas across the Czech Republic on November 17th, 2016.

A special projection will be organized for the film Bacalaureat by Cristian Mungiu, which will be presented to the Czech audience on October 8th, 2016, at 6:30 p.m., at cinema Lucerna in Prague, Big Hall.