Film screening and discussion on the film Roșia Montană

Roșia Montană is a documentary about a Romanian village in the Carpathians with the greatest reserves of gold in Europe. The film is about mining and the related social and environmental questions - such as relocation and unemployment, globalisation and capitalism, destruction and protection of the environment. A mining company with Canadian stakeholders wants to extract 300 million tons of gold ore from the mine in the poor region. Many inhabitants have sold their land and have moved away, others hope to find jobs in the mine. An ancient community and landscape are going to disappear, while the use of highly toxic cyanide will have unforeseeable consequences.
The screening will be on Wednesday, 20th March in Cinema Aventure followed by a discussion with Fabian Daub (director/producer) and Hans Hedrich (ecologist/political scientist).

The film is in German/English/Romanian with English subtitles.

Please register with Anna Schröder: