Anniversary of the Romanian Principalities Union

In the collective memory of Romanians, January 24th represents a solemn day that reminds us about a significant historical event: the Romanian Principalities Union, that occured in 1859, when Alexandru Ioan Cuza was unanimously elected at the same time ruler of Moldova, on January 5th, and of Țara Românească, on January 24th.

On this occasion, the Embassy of Romania in the Czech Republic and the Romanian Cultural Institute in Prague, together with representatives of the Romanian community in Prague, the UNIREA Romanian-Austrian Cultural Centre in Wiener Neustadt, Austria and the Romanian Language Orthodox Parish in Prague 5 (Sf. Arhanghel Mihail și Binecredinciosul Voievod Ștefan Cel Mare și Sfânt) organize  a series of evocative events, on Friday, January 22nd, 2016, at 7 p.m., at the headquarters in Nerudova 5 (Mala Strana, 11800 Prague 1). In the program there will be artistic moments by the folk music singers Maria Neag and Răzvan Roşu, the premiere of the documentary film A tree in between the worlds/ Un arbore la mijloc de lumi - Constantin Brâncuşi, by Horia Muntenus, and a theme exhibition of the graphics artist Cristina Oprea. 

Free entrance for all those interested. Please R.S.V.P. to the email address: .
