Andreea Bibiri Debuts the Overwhelming "Woman Alone" in New York

Film and stage star Andreea Bibiri offers a bravado performance in the powerful monologue ”Woman Alone”, the feminist denunciation of abuse and humiliation written by Nobel Prize laureate Dario Fo and Franca Rame. The multi-awarded show, directed by Daniel Grigore Simion, is presented at the "Rehearsal for Truth" Festival on September 24 and the RCI’s Romanian American Studio Theater on September 27.

”Woman Alone” (duration: 80 min.)

Written by Dario Fo and Franca Rame

Starring Andreea Bibiri

Directed by Daniel Grigore Simion

Produced by Teatrul de Arta Bucharest

Performed in English

Free entry. For the performance at Bohemian National Hall, please register here. For the performance at the Romanian Cultural Institute, please RSVP at Eventbrite.

Photo credit: Romulus Boicu