“From Victory Avenue to Hollywood” - Dov Hoenig at Romanian Café online series

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv is honored to invite you to a new edition of Romanian Cafe online series, which will take place online on January 19, 2021, at 17:00, in Hebrew, with live streaming on our official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/icr.telaviv/

The event will be dedicated to the book launch of the Hebrew translation of the novel “Rue du Triomphe” by Dov Hoenig, renowned international film editor, director and writer. The book was published in Israel by Yedioth Books in December 2020.

The guests of the event, moderated by Martin Salamon – director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, will be the author of the novel, Doe Hoenig, together with Keren Neizer-Cohen, literary critic, translator and lecturer.

Inspired by his own childhood and adolescence in Romania, “Rue du Triomphe” is the first novel by Dov Hoenig, who, during his internationally acclaimed career as film editor and director, has worked with some of the most talented cinema professionals, such as Michael Mann and Andrew Davies.

The novel “Rue du Triomphe” was written and first published in French in 2018 byEditions Robert Laffont in Paris and was candidate for the prestigious Stanislas award (Prix Stanislas) for the best debut novel.

In "Rue du Triomphe", Dov Hoenig paints with a brush of an artist Bernard's world in Bucharest, his youth, aroused sexuality, his first love, his ambitions and despairs, and his parents' experiences in Fălticeni, a province town in north eastern Romania, in the turmoil years of WWI, into an original and captivating novel that presents humanity in all its facades with generosity, softness and humor.

Dov Hoenig has made Aliya to Eretz Israel as part of the Ha'Shomer Hatzair youth movement. Following several years in a kibbutz working in agriculture, he was drawn to the young Israeli cinema industry and has become a film editor, editing over 40 films, including Israeli classics, such as "Cazablan" and "Operation Thunderbolt" ("Entebbe") by Menahem Golan, and "I love you Rosa", and "The House on Chelouchet Street" by Moshe Mizrahi. Hoenig later moved to Hollywood where he edited Michael Mann's films "Thief", "Man Hunter", "The Last of the Mohicans" and "Heat", as well as Andrew Davies' film "The Fugitive" – and became the first ever Israeli candidate to an Oscar award for editing “The Fugitive”.

At present, Hoenig is entirely dedicated to writing.