Suki The Tomcat And The Flower

excerptsSUKI – CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE THIRD KIND"Look! There is a cat over there! Get it! Quickly!" the little girl shouted. She was short and plump and she had freckles. She had just fallen while roller skating and damaged her knees, otherwise it would have been her running to catch the cat and not her silly brother. He caught Suki by the tail. So, our poor cat found himself face to face with a fake blond and really angry boy painted on a black T-shirt. In vain did the cat protest and scratch the boy, he was a prisoner. "What a beautiful cat! I want to name it Esmeralda." "Stupid you are! Esmeralda is a sheep's name." "Give it to me! It's mine! I'll keep it in the box under the bed. Perhaps right under the bed? What do you think?" "I caught him. Besides, I'm older." "I'll tell Mum! It's miiiiiiiine…" And she snatched the cat from her brother's arms. Suki got home really late. He was dizzy, full up with pudding, perfumed and wearing a pink ribbon attached to his tail. He had hardly explained the day's adventures to his tiny good friend before he fell fast asleep. Shaking its leaves with laughter, the flower wrote down in the diary: Funny world to think of a cat Like a plush cloth pet And then, what's even worse, To call him something else! SUKI – THE BRAVE TOMCAT Suki sharpened his ears. Something was wrong. Last night, the master had decorated the Christmas tree, so it was the tree he first looked at. Hm! Things seemed all right: the decorations seemed to be spinning as if turned by an unseen hand, the tinsel was glittering quietly in the moonlight, and the silver top was leaning a bit to one side. The flower went on sleeping. It hadn't heard anything. From somewhere above, from upstairs, the noises restarted… and they sounded like muffled groans. He jumped! He wasn't dreaming, it was real. Maybe they were being robbed, he had to do something! What happened afterwards could be described like this: a huge shadow, dragging something really heavy behind, hit an obstacle and fell flat on the floor! Two pairs of eyes met: a pair of yellow cat eyes and the other – really surprised – hidden behind a pair of plump smiley cheeks. "Oh dear! If I weren't immortal you would have me on your consciousness with a beauty of a heart attack. On top of everything, you are also black!" Meanwhile, the flower had woken up too and, although still sleepy, it could see Father Christmas getting up, brushing his hands on his clothes to get rid of the dust and leaving under the tree the long expected presents …. Hush, for this is the magic hour… Rest in peaceful slumber mild For only thus, from this Once more you wake young child!
LiterNet, 2004 

by Dana Stănescu (b. 1972)