
The play unfolds in our time. The first scene, or exposition scene, brings the Jew and king Belshazzar face to face: a parable of two enemy peoples, Jewish and pagan, of slavery and absolute power, of the weak and the strong, of the poor and the rich… The crux of the tragedy is the obsessive neurosis of the king who has sworn, out of immoderation and excessive arrogance, to drink, during a banquet, from the goblets that his father had looted from the Temple in Jerusalem: this crisis will precipitate his death… about Belshazzar's Banquet, a play by Benjamin FONDANEStage Direction: André CAZALASFeaturing: André CAZALAS and Pierre-François KETTLER
atThéâtre Molière Maison de la Poésie, ParisSeason 2003-2004

by André Cazalas