Horia-Roman Patapievici, President 2005-2012

H.-R. Patapievici – born March 18, 1957 (Bucharest). Physics studies (1977-1981; specialization degree 1982), researcher (1986-1994), assistant professor (1990-1994), director of studies (1994-1996), member of the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives (2000-2005), president of the Romanian Cultural Institute (since 2005). Private researcher in the history of ideas. Writer. TV host. Director of the magazine Idei în dialog (Ideas in Dialogue). Taught courses in the history of science and the history of ideas (University of Bucharest). Member of the Group for Social Dialogue, the Romanian Writers' Union, and the PEN Club. Founding member of the Romanian Academic Society and the Research Group on the Foundations of European Modernism (University of Bucharest and New Europe College). Honorary member of the Ludwig von Mises Institute - Romania.

Press debut in 1992 (Contrapunct). Collaboration with newspapers and journals 22, LA&I, Dilema, Orizont, Vatra, Secolul 20. Permanent columns in 22 (1993-2003), LA&I (2003-2004) and Dilema veche (2004-2005), Idei în dialog (since 2004). Editorial writer for Evenimentul zilei (since 2006).

Books published:
Cerul văzut prin lentilă (The Sky Seen Through the Lens), Nemira, 1995 (Essay Prize of the Publishing House Nemira, 1993; Debut Prize of the Romanian Writers' Union, 1995); Polirom, 2002.
Zbor în bătaia săgeţii, Humanitas, 1995; English translation: Flying Against the Arrow, CEU Press, 2002.
Politice (Politics), Humanitas, 1996.
Nézz vissza haraggal. A románokról – roman szemmel (Az előszót Konrád György írta). Budapest: Pont/Kiadó, 1997.
Omul recent. O critică a modernităţii din perspectiva întrebării ce se pierde atunci cînd ceva se cîştigă?The Recent Man. A Critique of Modernism from the Perspective of the Question of What is Lost When Something is Gained), Humanitas, 2001 (Essay Prize of the Romanian Writers' Union; Cuvîntul Magazine Prize; Essay Prize of AER); Spanish translation: El Hombre reciente, Madrid: Áltera, 2005.
Ochii Beatricei. Cum arăta cu adevărat lumea lui Dante (Beatrice's Eyes. How Dante's World Really Looked), Humanitas, 2004 (Romanian Writers' Union award for essays); Italian translation: Gli occhi di Beatrice. Com'era davvero il mondo di Dante?, Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2006; Spanish translation: Los ojos de Beatriz. ¿Cómo era realmente el mundo de Dante?, Madrid: Siruela, 2007.
Discernământul modernităţii. 7 conferinţe despre situaţia de fapt (The Discernment of Modernity. 7 Conferences about the State of Things), Humanitas, 2004.
Despre idei & blocaje. O modestă propunere de a regândi cultura română pornind de la ce îi lipseşte, fără a renunţa la ceea ce, în aparenţă, îi prisoseşte (About Ideas & Blockages. A Modest Proposal to Rethink Romanian Culture Starting with That Which it Lacks, Without Giving up on That Which, Seemingly, it Has in Abundance),
Humanitas, 2007.

Spărtura din cer (The Breach in the Sky)
, Humanitas Multimedia, 2003.
Schimbarea subiectului − o reverie (The Change of Subject – A Reverie),
Humanitas Multimedia, 2004.
Despre scris, ascultare şi imaginaţie (About Writing, Listening, and Imagination), Humanitas Multimedia, 2007.
Înapoi la argument (Back to the Argument),
Humanitas Multimedia, 2008

Translations (co-author): David Bohm, Plenitudinea lumii şi ordinea ei / The Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Humanitas, 1995.

TV broadcasts: "Idei în libertate", for TVR Cultural: 2002-2005 (National Audiovisual Council prize for the best cultural production of 2003; Grand Prize of the Association of Television Professionals, 2004).
"Înapoi la argument", for TVR Cultural: since 2006.