EURESIS 2017-2018 Cahiers roumains d’études littéraires et culturelles / Romanian Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies

Le modèle français dans la culture roumaine / The French Model in Romanian Culture

Ediția 2017-2018 a revistei Euresis este consacrată „modelului francez“ în cultura română. Cele mai multe contribuții din acest număr, publicate în limbile engleză și franceză, au fost prezentate la Colocviul Asociației de Literatură Generală și Comparată din România (ALGCR), desfășurat la București în luna iulie 2018, cu participarea specială a Asociației Franceze de Literatură Generală și Comparată. Deși conceptul de „model cultural“ ar putea părea depășit, el se vădește în continuare relevant în condițiile impactului decisiv al culturii franceze asupra literaturii române în secolele XIX și XX.

„The title of this volume might inspire scepticism on at least two accounts: firstly, the concept of “cultural model” is reminiscent of the early age of comparative literary studies, and might therefore seem out of fashion or too closely connected to the traditional concerns of comparative literature, such as the emphasis on the circulation of literary motifs or the focus on cultural centres rather than peripheries; secondly, given the general decline of French cultural influence over the last decades, the volume might appear to deal with matters of a strictly historical nature, with no grip on the current state of affairs in literary and cultural studies. However, French culture had such a decisive impact on Romanian literature throughout the 19th and the 20th century, that the history of Romanian literature would hardly make any sense without the concept of “cultural model,” as outmoded as it might seem. One must also bear in mind that the waning of French cultural influence in Romania is only a recent development, and it is less strong in literary theory and cultural studies than it is in literature. It is precisely the peculiarities of this long-standing Romanian affinity for the French world which are apt to inspire fresh perspectives on traditional concepts in comparative literature, such as influence, synchronisation or cultural asymmetry. Taking all this into account, the current issue of EURESIS aims to map some of the most significant moments in the history of Franco-Romanian literary and cultural relations, as well as to address theoretical issues underlying the analysis of the French model in Romanian culture.“ – Ruxandra Câmpeanu, Forward

Table des matières/Table of contents

Foreword ● Jean-Marie Schaeffer –Influence, contagion, hybridation, interaction : quels modèles pour penser les échanges interculturels ? ● Christophe Imbert – Une autre histoire du Moderne : Le canon français au miroir de la littérature roumaine ● Pierre-Yves Boissau – Les Frances d’Emil Cioran ● Ioan Pânzaru – Incertitudes identitaires – incertitudes axiologiques


Simona Drăgan – Un artiste français dans les Principautés Roumaines: Architectures représentatives dans les lithographies et les dessins d’Auguste Raffet de 1837 ● Dinu Flămând – Anna de Noailles – sensibilité innombrable ● Ion Pop – Des modèles français pour le symbolisme roumain ● Paul Cernat – L’abbé et l’entrepreneur: Deux images de l’étranger français dans la prose de Mihail Sadoveanu ● Muguraș Constantinescu Sur trois types d’autotraduction: Istrati, Voronca, Cioran ● Gina Puică – Entre révolution et réaction: Théodore Cazaban, un écrivain roumain exilé à Paris ● Ioan Pânzaru – Un motif balzacien chez Petru Dumitriu ● Cătălina Stoica – Une Française à Bucarest – Henriette Yvonne Stahl ● Adrian Mureșan –L’existentialisme français comme modèle subversif: Le cas de N. Steinhardt ● Crina Bud – Le comparatisme militant en Roumaine: Le destin des Cahiers roumains d’études littéraires sous la direction d’Adrian MarinoAlex CorogarLa nouvelle sociologie littéraire française et les théories de l’auctorialité ● Marius Conkan – Bertrand Westphal et le modèle géocritique dans la littérature roumaine ● Ioana Vultur – Le roman de Gabriela Adameșteanu dans la perspective de la critique française


Serge Fauchereau – Centres et marges de la culture ● Victor Ivanovici – «Sois toi-même»: Influence française et identité culturelle roumaine ● Petre Răileanu – Bucarest-Paris, aller-retour


Corin Braga – Utopies, voyages extraordinaires, romans d’aventures ● Nicolas Aude – Désir d’aveu et voix étrangères: Enquête sur la réception critique française de Fédor Dostoïevski ● MAthieu Mokhtari – Heurs et malheurs de la traduction du roumain ancien: Le cas du sous-titrage français du film Aferim

Reviews / Comptes rendus

Georges DIDI-HUBERMAN, În fața imaginii: Întrebare despre finalitatea unei istorii a artei [Devant l’image: Question posée aux fins d’une histoire de l’art]. Translated from the French by Laura Marin. Cluj-Napoca: Tact, 2019, 346 p. (Alexandra Irimia ● François CUSSET, French Theory: How Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, & Co. Transformed the Intellectual Life of the United States. Translated from the French by Jeff Fort. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2008, 408 p. (Iulian Bocai) ● Nathalie HEINICH, Des valeurs: Une approche sociologique. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 2017. Epub file. (Ruxandra Câmpeanu) ● Corin BRAGA, Archétypologie postmoderne: D’Œdipe à Umberto Eco. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2020, 444 p. (Ioana Pavel)