Alexandru Ciucurencu

A colorist in many ways, from air brushes to firm lines, Ciucurencu (1903, Tulcea-1977, Bucharest) organizes his chromatic universe into well-defined shapes, by means of a rigorous drawing absorbed by the paint. The painter doesn't like osmosis and, whenever necessary, he uses graphic outlines in order to repair the geometrical shape of fruits, objects and people, keeping aloof as much as possible from tone-altering shadows. Working with unsuspected perseverance in order to constantly renew and materialize himself, Al. Ciucurencu is sensitive to fiery exaltation, despite his seeming apathy. Eluding gloomy physiognomies, and using a gracious, adequate and archaic manner, he painted the portrait of the art collector wanting to become a part of his own collection, or that of the dreamy writer sitting under the fantastic flowery pattern of a curtain and scanning the world of ideas symbolized by a color-laden bookcase. The worker of the new regime gives us a festive and calm welcome. The artist is obsessed with yellow and orange, thus revealing his penchant towards everything falling under the direct rule of the sun. Yet, in terms of substance, his interest lies in the condensation process of the matter into rational and vibrating shapes, be they fruits, violins, of human figures; his realism is in the line of Titian's medium. 1959

by George Călinescu