I Look At Things As A Romanian Does
Excerpts from a discussion with Raluca Barac, published in Acum (Now) magazine, No. 13, April 1990 Going back to the fate of the cultured generation, let me make so bold as to ask your opinion of the so-called age of Noica, a phrase that seems to get bandied about quite
Rich And Poor, 1945
excerpts I For a century, the psychology of the Romanian people has found itself in continual transformation. This has corresponded (since 1829, that is, since the treaty of Adrianopolis whereby the Romanian Principalities joined the Western capitalist complex) to a gradual,
The Significance Of Transylvania, 1944
excerpts The significance of Transylvania during the childhood and teens of those who in 1916, at the time of the Old Kingdom, went to place our youth in the melting pot where the spirit of a whole nation was to broil in order to win its political unity is not only of
On The Generation In Shambles, 1936
The generation preceding us gave several peaks: Ion Barbu, in poetry, Tudor Vianu, creator of aesthetic systems, none of the most refined, but solid nonetheless, Lucian Blaga, in metaphysics and the philosophy of culture, Nae Ionescu, Cezar Petrescu, novelist of failures,
On National Specificity, 1935
If I had had the courage to speak freely, directly, without resorting to these pages in front of me, and without caring about the serious language mistakes I may make in French – and which I will definitely make –, if I had the courage to start my free conversation with
The New Spirituality (Investigation), 1928
Do you notice, within the framework of your interests, or of culture in its entirety, differences that would justify the confidence in a new spirituality, with a deeper, overall significance? Nicolae Iorga I am an old incurable traditionalist who has completely lost the
Spiritual Itinerary, 1927
excerpt 1. Guidelines I begin, with these pages, the publication of some notes, or observations, or reflections, or monologues regarding our generation. The decision is not presumptuous, or unrealizable. It will be said that as long as a generation exists, it's a
The Agrarian Revolution And The Evolution Of The Peasantry, 1923
excerpts Agriculture, qua exploitation, can never completely be geared into the capitalist system. K. Bücher, Enstehung der Volkswirtschaft, vol. 2 (1920), p. 84. In history, one never encounters peasants destroyed by the exploitative superiority of major competitors.
Historical Ideas And Forms, 1919
Four Inaugural Lecturesexcerpts TWI ENI KAI PANTI 1. Our Life's DutyLecture to open the courses on Ancient History and The History of the Arts, held in the winter semester of MCMXIX-MCMXX at the University of Cluj, read on II November MCMXIX From one day to the next,
Modernization In 20th Century Romania
If we refer to the interwar period, believed to be a landmark among other periods of history, it was in fact an agitated, convulsive interstice in which many older weaknesses of the social body, especially of the ruling class, were prolonged. The new political organizations,
The Romanian Dimension Of Existence, 1943
excerpts ΙΙThe Being of Being Quantitatively, existence can be conceived of from the point of view of unity or of multiplicity, from the point of view of the whole and from the point of view of the parts. From the first point of view, what we will discover is the nature[1],
King Carol II And The Myth Of Eternal Romania
The historiographical approach is one of the fundamental elements of the political system which propaganda may serve. The legitimation of a political regime and its leader through the national historical pantheon represents a necessary action for the dynamism of the propagandistic