
Political Diary 1939-1941

Paris, February 7th, 1939The phone wakes me up: it's George, who calls me from Algiers. He keeps waiting for his plane to be repaired. The thought that he left on an old jade – as he says – worries me. I remember my mother-in-law's words and I agree with her:


I don't know why I haven't written in here for so long. Weary of scrutinizing myself… But tonight I'm happy I've stayed in and read a book (Esquisse d'un traité du roman, Léon Bopp); I'm going to proofread City of Acacia Trees[i]. I've

Titu Maiorescu - Diary And Letters

Titu Maiorescu's diary is an unprecedented publishing event and, in its own way, unique in Romanian literature, by both the nature and value of the notes and by the length in time it covers – 62 years – and by the age of the author who had barely turned 15 when

The Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater - Events And Projects 2001-2002

The only self-relying public dance company in Romania, the Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater carries out an extremely complex and sustained activity mirrored in the diversity of its productions and projects. In 1999 the company opened its gates to the personalities of the Romanian

Requiem - Interview With Gigi Căciuleanu

Interview with Gigi Căciuleanu about the performance staged as an absolute première in Constanţa – June 2000 To Gigi Căciuleanu, Romanian choreographer living in France, who left Romania in 1972 to win a wager with himself – the freedom to create in a world free

Young Dancers In Thier Prime - A Conversation With Betty Lux And Călin Hanţiu

Reporter: You returned to the company that made you famous, the company that you are emotionally attached to and where we hope you will return. I'd suggest that we should evoke the circumstances in which you arrived at the Ballet Company called Fantasio then [in the

Sergiu Anghel

I made my debut in 1974. I had graduated from high school the year before and in the summer of '73 Adina Cezar, Nataşa Trăistaru, Anca Mândrescu, Cristian Crăciun and I decided to establish a contemporary dance troupe. As far as I am concerned, the decision to put

The National Ballet Contest - Constanţa '96

Having reached its fourth edition, the National Ballet Contest for dancers between 12 and 26, organized by the Theatre of Classical and Contemporary Ballet in Constanţa, presided by the maestro Oleg Danovski, under the care of The National Dance Committee of Romania, whose

The National Ballet Contest - Constanţa '94

The city on the shore of Pontus Euxinus, which time and again unravels new vestiges of ancient civilization, the old city of Tomis is, at present, building up a cultural profile of considerable complexity: museums, theatres, one opera, art festivals and contests. The contribution

Oleg Danovski: Dancing - The Art That Defies Gravity

Carmen Chihaia: Contemporary dancing seems to be winning over classical ballet. Maestro, considering your comprehensive view of the current directions, which school/tendency do you think will be able to impose itself, to bring something else that both audiences and artists

The Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater

Managing Director, Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater Oleg Danovski's unquestioned merit lay in resisting the temptation of accepting to be turned into a ritual by the critique and the cultural bureaucracy, and in having launched, in the '80s, a first off the opera

A Friend Of Romania - Interview With Maurice Béjart

In one of the marvelous spots of Switzerland I met Maurice Béjart, the choreographer that refreshed all forms of movements and made of dance the art of the 20th century. In Lausanne, Maurice Béjart continues to live creating and philosophizing for the synthetic art with