A murit marele regizor și pedagog Radu Penciulescu, primul director al Teatrului Mic
Institutul Cultural Român își exprimă regretul față de dispariția Radu Penciulescu, unul dintre cei mai importanţi regizori şi profesori de teatru, care a murit la Stockholm, la vârsta de 88 de ani. Născut în 1930, Radu Penciulescu a absolvit Institutul
„Tibor Ernö” - monografie trilingvă
„Creaţia bogată a lui Tibor Ernö s-a bucurat de-a lungul timpului de aprecierea celor care au scris despre opera sa şi i-au subliniat, în paginile ziarelor, trăsăturile distincte şi modernitatea, începând chiar cu prima lui expoziţie personală importantă
Brief Presentation Of The Armenian Community
Excerpts The oldest findings prove the presence of Armenians on the present territory of Romania, more precisely in Moldavia, in an inscription on a tombstone in Cetatea Alba, dated 967 AD. The Hungarian chroniclers Simon Kesay and Thuroczi recorded that, under Duke Geza
The Tenderness And Betrayal Of Magdalene
I couldn't say I was properly introduced to Magdalene, the wording would be equally pretentious and inexact; as a matter of fact, she actually rushed into my studio… She was tired, exhausted, shabby, as if she had come out of the hundred year war. I had worked all
excerpts CHAPTER IMother's Poor Little Things Mara, bless her heart, was now a widow with two children, poor little things, but she was young and healthy and hard-working, and God allowed that she got lucky again. As a matter of fact, when he lived, Bârzovanu, her
The Conductor
The Romanian realm has given great creating spirits to the world, in all fields of activity: philosophers, historians, sociologists, scientists that made epoch-making discoveries, inventors, writers (poets, prose writers, and dramatists), brilliant musicians, painters, and
At A Bibliophilist's: Ion Iliescu
Another bibliophilist concerned with theoretical problems related to rare, old book evaluation is Ion Iliescu, Aesthetics professor at the University of Timişoara, the possessor of a rich and valuable collection. Author of many papers on aesthetics (Course of General Aesthetics),
Samuel Von Brukenthal (1721-1803). A Collector, An Epoch, A Destiny
click here for Brukenthal Museum An emblem of Sibiu, the Brukenthal Museum is one of the most important abodes of culture that has garnered national and European repute. Since its official opening on February 25, 1803, it laid an indelible mark on the cultural life of the
Ethnic Minorities From Romania In Documents From The Society Of Nations (1923-1932)
excerpts Our researches carried out in Bucharest, Geneva, London and Budapest have led us to the conclusion that the relations between the Romanian governments and the League of Nations were quite close, without any tinge of restraint, or silence, over the recommendations
The Children's Crusade
excerpt Attention on platform three! Please stand clear of the edge of platform three! The special train is now arriving from Oradea! Attention on platform three! Please stand clear of the edge of platform three! The special holiday train is now arriving from Oradea! The
Bursieri "Nicolae Iorga" 2012-2014
SILVIA-DANA CACIURNăscută pe 27 ianuarie 1988, în Calafindeşti, judeţul Suceava. A absolvit “Colegiul Naţional Mihai Eminescu” din Suceava (profil umanistic, ştiinţe sociale – studii europene). Între 2007 şi 2010 a urmat cursurile Facultăţii de Istorie,
Lilian Zamfiroiu, președinte 2013-2015
Lilian Zamfiroiu (n. 1963, Sibiu) este licențiat al Facultății de Filologie din cadrul Universității din Bucureşti, specializarea română-franceză, și este doctor în istorie, cu lucrarea Relaţiile diplomatice româno-italiene între anii 1918 şi 1940, susținută