
La Cruz Y El Arbol Filogenetico

La Cruz, hecha de la madera del Arbol del bien y el mal, es identificada o se substituye al Arbol Cósmico; se la describe como un árbol que sube desde la tierra al cielo, árbol eterno que está en medio del cielo y la tierra, apoya fuertemente el Universo, el árbol filogenético

Alabanza Del Campesino Rumano

Discurso de recepción pronunciado el 29 de mayo de 1940en la Sesión pública solemne de la Academia Rumana Desde luego, el nacimiento de un pueblo es un milagro, así como también es milagro el nacimiento hasta de una musaraña. Es por eso que los comienzos de todos los

El Elogio De La Aldea Rumana

Discurso de recepción pronunciado el 5 de junio de 1937en la sesión pública solemne de la Academia Rumana  De las aldeas rumanas (conozco sobre todo a las transilvanas) se puede afirmar, en general, sin ninguna restricción esencial, que siguen conservando, como estructura

Motivos Del Arte Popular Rumano. La Via Extraviada

. . . Camino extraviado, vereda perdida, vereda olvidada, vía serpenteante, vía errada, vía desviada, camino perdido, sendero extraviado, sendero extraviado con motivo de puntos, sendero extraviado con flores, sendero extraviado con soles, sendero extraviado con mallas,

El Museo Del Campesino Rumano

Avenida Kiseleff nr. 3, Bucarest – RumaníaTeléfono: (4021) 650. 53. 60 – Fax: (4021) 659. 65. 13  En 1912, en el sitio de la antigua Casa de la Moneda y del palacio de Mavrogheni, se coloca la piedra fundamental del edificio del Museo de la gran avenida con el fin

Editor's Note

After 21 issues in English, the cultural exploit undertaken by PLURAL five years ago is attempting, experimentally, a new opening – this time to the Hispanic world, under the title The Confession as a Form of Dialogue –, while continuing its English series.  Direct

The Difficult Beginnings Of A Superstar

An ancient symbol of war, because of its reddish color, Mars started with a low profile in the gallery of inhabited worlds. Up till the 19th century, it could bear no comparison with the Moon. In his Itinerarium exstaticum (1656), Athanasius Kircher (1601-1680) proposed

The Myth Of The Different Man From The Antiquity To The Present

The different man exhibits both what is permanent in the human spirit and the changes occurring throughout History. Tell me who your different man is and I will tell you who you are. I A DESCRIPTION OF THE DIFFERENT MAN A Key Concept: Radical Otherness Man does not move

Playing With The Past

A Word with Two Meanings We invent words, then let ourselves be subjugated by them. There would be no knowledge without words, but it is words again that grow into independent entities, obstacles that come between us and the real world. They move us closer to and at the

The New Man

An Individual without Individualism To a new society – a new man. Naturally, one would not fancy a communist world inhabited by middle-class people in disguise. That was the most delicate problem raised by transformist mythology. One could not rebuild the economy and

The End Of The World. History Without an End

The 1900 Crisis The Break By 1900, no more bets. Pessimism. Denial of progress, return of the cyclic history. Social conflicts. Revolutions. Decline of the West and the yellow peril. Anti-utopia. The Great War. Abstract art. Earthquakes. Halley's comet. The end of the

A History Of The Imaginary. The Truth Of The Myths

CHAPTER I Structures and Methods An Ambiguous Condition What if the history of the imaginary did not exist? Beyond all paradox, the question deserves to be raised. Following a hectic and contorted history, this discipline is hindered by theoretical and ideological difficulties.