
The Greeks

We do not hate the Greeks; quite to the contrary, we love them and we share the same heritage: a nationality to build; for we have the same interests, the same pains, the same hopes; and when we say 'we love them' we can bring proofs to support this statement:

Plus Fort Que La Mort

Nous ne jouissons que des êtres et le reste n'est rien. Vauvenargues Toute œuvre dramatique d'Eugène Ionesco se trouve en puissance dans son premier livre (Nu, Bucarest, 1934; Non, tr. Fr. , Paris, 1986) et finalement quintessenciée dans son dernier (La Quête

Sulina - A European Destiny

Institute for Ecomuseum Research in Tulcea Sulina is the easternmost settlement on Romanian – and the EU – territory, with a distinct history of its own. The oldest mention of the name 'Sulina' (Selinas) is found in the work De administrando Imperio, written

Unraveling The Delta's Treasure

excerpts Whether you travel through the Delta on water, or view it from the air (from a helicopter or a plane), the reed is the dominant element of the landscape. It occupies a foremost position in the Delta's treasure, and constitutes an immense source of richness.

The Danube Delta Treasure

Director of Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History in Bucharest The Danube Delta has a diverse fauna and flora which, in the context of the global preoccupation for environmental preservation, are major points of interest for Europe and even for the whole planet.


One of the reasons why the Danube Delta has become a biosphere reservation is because, in comparison with the other deltas of Europe and even the rest of the world, it has preserved a higher level of biodiversity, whereby we understand a large number of species from a large

The Book Of The Danube

excerpt Further down from Isaccea, at Ceatal, the Delta begins, as the Danube splits into the Chilia Arm, which flows along the Bessarabian bank. Downstream, after Tulcea, there is another Ceatal, whence the Danube splits in two: the Sulina Arm and the St George Arm. Let