De L’influence Française Sur L’esprit Public En Roumanie
INTRODUCTION L'exemple d'influence, que nous nous proposons d'étudier ici, présente des caractères bien particuliers. Il faut bannir de son esprit, pour le bien comprendre, le souvenir de tout autre fait historique que l'on serait tenté de juger analogue.
Femmes Peintres D'Autrefois
Editions Ziarul S. A. 1943 HERRADE DE LANDSBERG Quatre cent vingt ans après la mort de Sainte Odile, le monastère de Hohenbourg, tombé en ruine, délaissé, appauvri, s'éveillera sous les ordres énergiques d'Herrade de Landsberg, une descendante de la noble
The Mioritic Space, 1936
excerpts Cultural Differences The Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox spirits were favorable to different kinds of culture, each for itself and from its part. Catholicism favored the cultural creation that presupposes a massive creative front that is organized in one direction.
Mathesis Or Simple Joys, 1934
excerpt I On cultures of a geometric kind Nowadays in science it is a well known fact that, from the point of view of the form, the whole universe, as well as its parts, can be contained in an expression of the form f (x, y, z). A contemporary scientist even thought that
Twenty years ago, religious people had to hide their inclinations. Otherwise they would have been mercilessly mocked at, because atheism enjoyed, then, a great popularity. It was the time of endless hopes over positivism, over the omnipotence of the scientific postulates,
Two Wonder-Kids And A Female Cannibal
The jurist Matei Monorai lives nearby. If you'd hear him plead in court, you would not hesitate to call him Matei Golden Mouth. Ambrozie is on his way over, to ask Matei to plead for Vornicu, who has been sentenced to death. He arrives. Matei`s kids are playing outside,
The Story Of Pillet
The idea of founding a puppet theatre as a means of improving health education among children, and the relationship between doctors and their little patients came from a long way off. I had read a book by Sergey Obraztsov, one of the best known and appreciated Russian puppeteers.
The Erstwhile Snows
Winters in Ramnicu Valcea were quite mild in those times, though there was plenty of snow (I guess this is the cliché of those whose childhood memories are blurred by their excessive subjectivity); anyway, they unfolded following a certain ritual: at the beginning of December
Save The Danube And Its Delta - Catavencu Academy Association
Governor of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve AuthorityPresident of Save the Delta-AC Association The association Save The Danube And Its Delta-Catavencu Academy (aka Save the Delta-AC) is a non-governmental organization founded in May 2004, whose purpose is to protect the
excerpts Sulina – named after the chief of a Cossack horde – is the gateway to the Danube. Hereabouts, the grain went out and the gold came in. The key to this gateway passed during the course of time from one pocket to another, after endless battles, by arms and by
Ryna, A Film By Ruxandra Zenide
Color photo©2000-07 OutNow. CH: Dorotheea Petre in RynaB&W photo©2000-07 OutNow. CH: Ruxandra Zenide click here to see trailer A Pacific Films/Strada Film/Elefant Films/TSR co-production. Produced by Eric Garoyan, Xavier Ruiz, Catalin Mitulescu. Directed by Ruxandra
The Danube Delta - Places, People, Customs
Institute for Ecomuseum Research in Tulcea Ethnographical research in relation to this habitat allows us to distinguish between the various particular aspects regarding lifestyle and traditional culture, which prove the importance of the human factor in defining the features