Festivalul european de poezie Sibiu 2007
18 autori din 12 ţări se vor reuni, în perioada 3-6 octombrie 2007, la Festivalul European de Poezie Sibiu 2007. Publicul din România va avea ocazia să asiste la dezbateri şi lecturi susţinute de Urs Allemann (Elveţia), Mircea Cărtărescu (România), Inger Christensen
Lettre Internationale nr. 111 / toamna 2019
Dragi cititori, vă prezentăm numărul 111/ toamna 2019 al revistei Lettre Internationale. Sumar:RETROSPECTIVE Șerban Pavelescu – Considerații pe marginea unui „imperialism în zdrențe” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Viorel Isticioaia-Budura –Dunhuang
Literatură română, râvnită în Polonia: 15 autori traduşi într-un an
Sezonul literar românesc va debuta în Polonia marţi, 3 decembrie, cu lansarea cărţii „Parohia”, de Dan Coman, apărut la editura Universitas în seria „Rumunia dzisiaj” (România astăzi), dedicată literaturii române contemporane şi tradusă de Joanna Kornaś-Warwas.
Gellu Naum – 100
Ediție dublă, în limbile franceză și engleză, publicată în parteneriat cu Fundația „Gellu Naum” Albumul apărut la centenarul poetului, în 2015, foarte bine primit de lumea culturală românească, este acum disponibil, grație parteneriatului dintre ICR
My Insects
My insects have devoured all the peopleAnd on the deserted streets of the city They are parading the spiders and the locusts Are the most constantine They've got perfect serums in wiresAnd are pricking the statue of the magical brother In their hands they carry the
I Had Entered The Forest
I had entered the forest With other forests on my shoulders My knees were shiningAnd maybe their love was everything Then I told the birds You birdsLet us play phoenixes for whomIn our grey cutaways Above us the sun shook its maneThen night fell in my mouth Translated
Eagles On Holiday
In August when the sky fills with bullsAn eagle comes down in the neighborhood And lets me know from the first phone call that he's coming to see me An admirable pyromaniac haunted by firesAnd black serenity covering his feathersHe comes upset by the foreboding of
Biodiversity Protection Beyond 2010
The real chance that Romania has to shelter the most numerous populations of bears, wolves, chamois and lynxes (almost 33,800 species of animals, out of which 33,085 are invertebrate and 707 are vertebrate) is what inspired us to extend this invitation to the world. The
by Saşa Pană (1902-1981); Gellu Naum (1915-2001); Ion Vinea (1895-1964); Geo Bogza (1908-1993); B. Fundoianu (Fondane) (1898-1944); Gherasim Luca; D. Trost; Ilarie Voronca (1903-1946); Integral; F. Brunea; Ion Călugăru; M. H. Maxy (1895-1971); Paul Păun; Virgil Teo
The Eroticized Universe
The Bucharest Surrealist Group1939-1947* […] Madness, black humor, dreams, eroticism, revolt: if one cannot speak of Unu (One) and Alge (Algae) as surrealist magazines in the strict sense, these themes indicate however the increasing attraction of a number of Romanian
(excerpt) (…)Utility, beautiful, good, value – what are they good for? We only have to strip the object of all these cretinized uniforms. Sometimes I catch myself providing it with them. Then the object looks crippled, fettered. The force of habit, this idiotic habit
1940-1947. The Romanian Surrealist Group
The message addressed to international surrealism. Theoretical contributions and techniques proposed by the Romanian surrealists Between 1938-1940, two young Romanian poets, Gellu Naum and Gherasim Luca, were in Paris – Naum to study philosophy, and Luca as the precarious