Elisabeta bostan

5 Nov 2009

Filme româneşti de referinţă pentru românii din Valea Timocului

Zece filme de referinţă din filmografia românească vor fi prezentate comunităţii româneaşti din Valea Timocului (Serbia), prin intermediul postului regional Radio-Televiziunea „Craina din Negotin. Acţiunea se va desfăşura pe parcursul acestui an şi este susţinută

Lalalilu Or The Stolen Childhood Of Romanian Film

click here to see trailer Present-day Romanian film lives a new childhood, if we consider at least the representatives of the New Wave, who are young and very young film directors with ages between 20 and 30. That is why their films are naïve, very close to childhood or

Creangă And Gopo

Gopo's Little Man (see Short History - click on Scurta istorie to see movie) I have been studying the Gopo archive belonging to the National Film Archive for some years, and now the first volume goes to print. It contains only a part of the legacy left by the film genius,

Memories Of Childhood Days

In 1964, Creangă's memories were made into a movie (click here to see preview) by Elisabeta Bostan (b. 1931), whose filmography extending back to 1956, includes the Naica series (Naica and the Stork, Naica and the Squirrel, Naica Leaves for Bucharest), another film