The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR)
The Danube Delta is one of the most extensive deltas of the European continent and, at the same time, Europe's best-conserved wetland. The Danube Delta's ecosystems, which are of a mosaic type, diverse and discontinuously distributed, create a unique setting compared
Romania: Population Structure By Ethnicity (2002 Census)
Romanians: 19,399,597 / 89. 47 % Hungarians: 1,431,807 / 6. 60 % Roma: 535,140 / 2. 46 % Ukrainians: 61,098 / 0. 28 % Germans: 59,764 / 0. 27 % Russian-Lipovans: 35,791 / 0. 16 % Turks: 32,098 / 0. 14 % Tatars: 23,935 / 0. 11 % Serbs: 22,561 / 0. 10 % Slovaks: 17,226
The Foreigners And The Modernization Of Bucharest
excerpts Short overview The modernization of Bucharest was a complex and dynamic historical process, spanning roughly the interval between 1848-1948, a period when the process of modernization of the Romanian society in its totality revolved around the town of Bucharest
The Truth Hides Behind Laws And Declarations
The National Minorities Issue In Romania When tackling the issue of national minorities in Romania, one should stick to the realities of the life of the ethnic groups in question. Most importantly, when discussing concrete steps for the protection of national minorities,
Proud Dislikes
Just like all the other peoples, when they don't hate them outright, many Romanians have less than a high opinion of their neighbors: Bulgarians are seen as coarse – but resourceful – vegetable growers, Hungarians – as bloodthirsty (but proud, hardworking, reliable)
20 Ways To Love Thy Neighbor
The evolution of the traditions, cross-influences and mutual borrowings of the Romanians' centuries-old cohabitation with the 20-odd national minorities is worth looking into because it may offer spectacular surprises. Owing to the blend of very different nationalities
Ideas And Ideology In Interwar Romania
For the Romanian cultural psyche, the interwar period still appears, after so many decades of indefatigable exegesis, as a real, alluring and embarrassing hortus conclusus, a closed garden of paradisiacal, yet so venomous intellectual flourishing. Major cultural achievements
The Paradise Of Perpetual Quiet
Are there places in the universe where the endurance of legends can overcome an often hostile reality? This issue was inspired by Romania's good luck in owning the Danube Delta, combined with its fear that this territory may not be protected to the extent required
La mémoire des murs. L’esprit français dans l’architecture roumaine, 2007, 196 p.
Director artistic: Iulian Capsali Fotografii: Daniel Constantinescu Texte : Ioana Popescu, Irina Popescu-Criveanu, Toader Popescu, Mihaela Criticos, Anamaria Zahariade Albumul urmărește impactul modelului francez asupra arhitecturii României moderne: Poate că Micul
Despre Editura ICR
Editura Institutului Cultural Român are ca obiectiv editarea unor lucrări de referinţă din domeniile literaturii, artei plastice şi ştiinţei, precum şi realizarea unor proiecte editoriale în parteneriat cu instituţii specializate din ţară şi din străinătate.
EURESIS / 2014
ArgumentWOLFGANG ISER – Culture: a recursive process CHRISTIAN MORARU – Cultural Studies Goes Global CĂLIN-ANDREI MIHĂILESCU – Unpacking knowledge JAN GORAK – Johnson on Shakespeare: The Use and Value of Spectatorship ANCA BĂICOIANU – Here, There, and Everywhere:
Glasul Bucovinei Nr. 1 (85)/2015
Evenimentele din Ucraina, care se desfăşoară sub privirile îngrijorate ale întregii lumi şi care vizează integritatea teritorială, independenţa şi suveranitatea ţării, pot avea consecinţe grave, în primul rând, pentru ţările din sud-estul european. Anul