
Lettre Internationale nr. 107 / toamna 2018

A apărut noul număr, 107, al revistei Lettre Internationale, editată de Institutul Cultural Român. SUMAR Nr. 107 RETROSPECTIVE Șerban Pavelescu – Războaiele României Mari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Dan


Institutul Cultural Român (I. C. R. ),cu sediul în Bucureşti, Aleea Alexandru, nr. 38, sector 1, intenţionează să achiziţioneze prin cumpărare directă, în conformitate cu prevederile art. 7, alin. (5) din Legea nr. 98/2016 privind achiziţiile publice, achizitia


Dialogul Cultural Europa-China, Spații publice și poduri între culturi la Palatul Parlamentului din Bucureşti – MODERNISM. roautor: Cosmin Năsui 21 octombrie 2014 Dialogul Cultural Europa-China (1) Dialogul Cultural Europa-China (2)În perioada 15-17 octombrie 2014


Lumea şi noi - TVR INTERNAȚIONALEmisiune difuzată în data de 17 octombrie 2013 * Conacul Musurus. Istanbul 2013 Realizator Angela Avram Interviu cu directorul ICR Istanbul, Silvana Răchieru Urmărește înregistrarea emisiunii aici --- ICR Bruxelles inaugurează

Major Collectors And Their Collections At The Grigore Antipa National Museum Of Natural History

see www. antipa. roThe first collections were set up at the National Museum of Natural History and Antiquities more than 175 years ago and have been available to the public for over a century. Their success has proved to be quite remarkable, as they have attracted an ever-growing

NR. 67 - toamna 2008

SUMAR NR. 67 Pagini autobiografice José Saramago – Fărâme de memorii Ion Vianu – Exerciţiu de sinceritate (IV) Dincolo de eveniment Linda Polman – Victimele carităţii Mircea Vasilescu – Italia: între vechile ideologii şi noile probleme Adam Michnik

The Friend From Abroad

Clockwise from top left: People's House, wood church in Romanian Peasant Museum yard, Opera House, Stavropoleos Church, Athenaeum, Caru cu bere pub. Every time I have to recommend some sightseeing in our town to the friend/ acquaintance/ work colleague coming from

Los Judios Españoles - Prefacio

El año 1492, a la vez con el descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo, ha representado un paso gigantesco en la historia de la humanidad. Pero, al mismo tiempo, es la fecha de un acontecimiento que ha marcado profundamente y para siempre el futuro de España, ya que en aquel entonces

The Difficult Beginnings Of A Superstar

An ancient symbol of war, because of its reddish color, Mars started with a low profile in the gallery of inhabited worlds. Up till the 19th century, it could bear no comparison with the Moon. In his Itinerarium exstaticum (1656), Athanasius Kircher (1601-1680) proposed

The End Of The World. History Without an End

The 1900 Crisis The Break By 1900, no more bets. Pessimism. Denial of progress, return of the cyclic history. Social conflicts. Revolutions. Decline of the West and the yellow peril. Anti-utopia. The Great War. Abstract art. Earthquakes. Halley's comet. The end of the

The 20th Century - The Century Of Avant-Garde

The year 1900. Europe's countries are divided on the question: does the 20th century begin in 1900 or in 1901? Some opt for 1900, by virtue of the change in the figure of the hundreds. Others are partisans of 1901, for reasons of more sophisticated arithmetic. Particular

The Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater - Events And Projects 2001-2002

The only self-relying public dance company in Romania, the Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater carries out an extremely complex and sustained activity mirrored in the diversity of its productions and projects. In 1999 the company opened its gates to the personalities of the Romanian