Anton pann

7 Dec 2007 - 7 Dec 2007

Tales of Two Reigns – Plural 2/2007

Joi, 6 decembrie 2007, la Teatrul „Ion Creangă din Bucureşti a avut loc lansarea numărului 2/2007 al revistei Plural. Revista a fost prezentată de Cornel Todea, directorul Teatrului „Ion Creangă, Aurora Fabritius, redactor şef, Erwin Kessler şi Adrian Solomon,

Recital cameral susținut de violonista Diana Jipa și Ștefan Doniga în Sala Mare a ICR, cu ocazia Zilei Naționale a României

Sala Mare a Institutului Cultural Român va găzdui marți, 28 noiembrie 2023, ora 19. 00, un recital cameral susținut de violonista Diana Jipa și pianistul Ștefan Doniga cu ocazia Zilei Naționale a României. Evenimentul reprezintă încheierea turneului internațional


„Triumful României şi „noii regi ai festivalurilor – ZIARUL DE DUMINICĂ6 ianuarie 2012 Pe 29 decembrie Furia (foto 4) şi pe 30, Boogie (foto 5), cele două filme ale lui Radu Muntean, programate la Filmoteca din Madrid, încheie Zilele filmului românesc organizate

Perdition, Old-Style

When on the 20th of September, 1459, the throne of Wallachia moved from Târgovişte to Bucharest, the new settlement, which was lying along Dâmboviţa River, was a picturesque settlement, with slow hills, lakes and boundless orchards and especially with venerable forests.

Route No. 1

Walking around the city arm in arm with literary recollections… Laying on façades invisible memorial plates with quotes in verse or prose… Experiencing live the sensation of osmosis between fiction and reality… Feeling literature become history, and history – literature…

Wisdom's Tell-Tale

One fair day the sultan walked about his cityPlain in dress, together with his high vizier. On the spot he noticed lying in the gutterA dime which he, stooping, picked up in great haste. The vizier, who witnessed this parsimonyMade so bold in asking of his majesty:'Please

Language As An Element Of The Romanian Soul

Among the elements making up the soulful repository of the Romanian people there is none to include more and to bespeak truer than its very language. In connection with this Romanian idiom – which, with due additions, proved apt to voice any idea, no matter how lofty,


Beauty runs dry,But wisdom grows high. BecauseWhen teeth in the mouth were few,My brains were scarce too.  Because Man cannot possibly have both youth and wisdom. But One is young among the young, and old among the old. AndHe who has no old people should buy some.  1852-1853,

The Head Of The Orchestra

I think the idea of a head of the orchestra arose two and a half centuries ago, as a result of the activity of the Mannheimer Circle, who had invented acoustic dynamics: the game of intensity, as a component of the agogic, a quite unproductive term for most of the music

At A Bibliophilist's: Ion Iliescu

Another bibliophilist concerned with theoretical problems related to rare, old book evaluation is Ion Iliescu, Aesthetics professor at the University of Timişoara, the possessor of a rich and valuable collection. Author of many papers on aesthetics (Course of General Aesthetics),

Love Asylum And Pharmacy

excerpt Our first poets (the Vacarescus, Milu, Conachi and others) were experts in erotic pathology, the maladies induced by love. But the true physician erotologist appears to have been Anton Pann. The Love Asylum attempted to cure precisely that kind of ailment. The enamored

The Gypsy

When summer's heat vanished away,The ice-cold wind moved in to stay. The Gypsy, dressed in threadbare cloth,Had built no shelter, out of sloth. He did perceive that sloth was wrong,Yet his own sloth was much too strong. The winter raged on, cold and hard. So, to the