The White Dragon

excerpts THE BELLS In the city buried Under snow,As if in a duffle coat,You can hear a muffled Plaint. It's a coppery lament, Ay! Ay!. . . Like a fluttering It's passing,Over this white burialAnd it wails and wails And wails,Asking for a miracle. After it, a flock

The Childhood Lane

excerpts II When my younger brother came into the world, the lane was waiting for him at the gate. He didn't know: he was so little! His home back then was a white cradle; mother's palms were the only lane he could walk on; mother's eyes – the only windows

The Enchanted Grove

Almost sixty years after the first edition, Lizuca – Victor Hugo's Cosette escaping into Lewis Carroll's Wonderland – became the heroine of a fantasy film directed by Gheorghe Naghi (The Enchanted Grove, 1980 - click here to see preview). excerpts II: MISS

Teodosie The Little

excerpt The Catdog was in a great big huff and, in order to make it more obvious to Teodosie that he was out of sorts, he kept opening and closing the drawers and doors of the cupboards with a loud bang. What is it you are looking for in the cupboard, Teodosie demanded to

The Story Of Ting-A-Ma-Ling, The Softer Feminine Software Designer

Ting-a-ma-Ling, the Softer Feminine Software Designer, tightened her lips slightly. She could not really put up with people talking so cynically about old men, kings or no kings. And Mol-loch's way, with his sheep's eyes and smiles, obnoxiously courting her all

The Grass Sign

Once upon a time … The Witch Moon finished bordering the kitchen curtains with pieces of intricate lace crocheted by herself during the long day hours when she couldn't sleep; she finished putting the preserves in jars – the stars' favorite preserves, the ones

Tales From The Night Of The Milk Sun

excerpt No, I have not forgotten about Fear-of-Darkness. I have certainly not overlooked her, as little Cantemir does with certain commas and full stops when he writes down his homework. Fear-of-Darkness sat before him, sparse and finicky, you would not have believed it.

Prince Charming Of A Tear Born

In the days of old, when the people of today were just the project of a distant future, when God Himself trod with His sacred feet the rocky deserts of the earth – in those old times there was a king, gloomy and pensive as the dark midnight, and he was married to a young

The Girl Used To See Angels

The girl, when she was still with us, used to see angels.  But there are no angels!Who sees angels! Oh, wax doll!The priest nodded his head,the small black dog barked, barked,the woman in mourning wailed,and a grave gentleman wept into his palmswhen he looked at the wax

Like Then: A Memory With M

I was walking through the campus on a sunny September morning, which was calm, fresh, with a deep blue sky, like then. Then, just as now, the dew that fell during the night on the grass sparkled coldly and delicately. The sun was strong and gentle. Through the pure air passed,

The Pressure Of Tourism Is Great, But It Can Be Controlled If We Want To

At 33, Daniel Petrescu, born in Letea, in the Danube Delta, an ornithologist by profession, organized at Sutu Palace in Bucharest his first photographic exhibition, entitled rather plainly Snapshots from Nature. It was in October 2006. A month later, the superb images of

Bird Observations In The Danube Delta And In The Dobrodgea (Romania)

4. DISCUSSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS  excerpts As a result of our observations we think that for more than 48 European breeding bird species the Danube Delta-lagoon lake-Dobruja region is of high importance for Eastern Europe or even for the whole of Europe. this region