The guardian

15 Nov 2012

Sonuri transilvane cu Nicolas Simion la London Jazz Festival

După succesul pianistului Lucian Ban la Southbank Centre în 2011, Institutul Cultural Român din Londra revine pe scena prestigiosului Festival Internaţional de Jazz cu excelentul cvartet Nicolas Simion, care va concerta pe 15 noiembrie la clubul Rich Mix din estul Londrei,

19 Jul 2012 - 13 Aug 2012

O instalaţie inedită concepută de doi români, amplasată lângă Turnul Londrei

Instalaţia „Staţii culturale“/„Cultural Stations“, concepută de Minodora Cerin şi de arhitectul Mircea Mărgărit, va fi amplasată în Trinity Square Gardens, lângă Turnul Londrei, şi va putea fi vizitată de pe 19 iulie până pe 13 august 2012, inclusiv

9 Nov 2011 - 19 Nov 2011

Spectacolul Aniversarea, în regia lui Vlad Massaci, la Barbican Centre

Teatrul românesc revine după 13 ani pe scena londoneză, la Barbican Centre, cea mai mare instituţie britanică dedicată artei şi culturii internaţionale. Turneul de anvergură al Teatrului Nottara cu spectacolul Aniversarea (Festen) de Thomas Vinterberg şi Mogens

23 Sep 2010

„Exerciții de memorie. Reconstituirea literară a istoriei recente“- dezbatere la ICR

Joi, 23 septembrie 2010, de la ora 17. 30, la Institutul Cultural Român (Aleea Alexandru nr. 38, București) va avea loc dezbaterea „Exerciții de memorie. Reconstituirea literară a istoriei recente. Vor participa scriitorii Mario Fortunato, Gabriela Adameşteanu, Jan

25 Jun 2010

Noaptea Institutelor Culturale 2010

Vineri, 25 iunie 2010, va avea loc în Bucureşti cea de-a patra ediţie a Nopţii Institutelor Culturale. Organizată de EUNIC – Bucureşti, Noaptea Institutelor Culturale cuprinde evenimente propuse de British Council, Centrul Ceh, Centrul Cultural al Republicii Ungare,

Chamois: Black Beauties On Mountain Tops

People feel that encountering a Chamois on the highest peaks of the Carpathian Mountains is something very special indeed, an opportunity to be proud of. The Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra)1 is certainly an exceptional creature in our fauna. They only roam the limited space

The Past: Plus Quam Perfectum

Bucharest is a city in search of identity. Its precise moment of birth is unknown, for the Cetatea Dîmboviţei of the 14th and 15th centuries only played host to its rulers when they occasionally came to ward off threats from south of the Danube or Hungarian attacks form

On Multiculturalism

South Pacific, December 1999 To be a Romanian writer (therefore in the minority) in New Zealand! Ibi patria, ubi – wife. In New Zealand, I think about the confluence of our lives. We come from so far apart, we meet unexpectedly, we link our lives, our fates together.

The Psychology Of The Romanian People

Chapter X. The Influence of Physical Factors. The Climate and the Geographical Position The crystalline atmosphere that envelops the Carpathian Mountains and the hills of Oltenia and Moldavia resembles perfectly the atmosphere from the mountains and hills of Florence. Wallachia's

The Chronicle And Song Of The Ages

excerptThat afternoon we took a train to Constanta where, the same evening, we planned to embark on a Romanian ship bound to Constantinople. We arrived in Constanta late at night, so we didn't get to see any of the city or port. All I remember is the very agitated sea.

The Art Collector Ion Minulescu

Shortly after World War I a new name amidst art collectors in the know started to compel recognition: that of poet Ion Minulescu. At that time, more intensely than in previous years, he would, due among others to his obligations as Director General of the Arts, visit exhibitions,

Descriptio Moldaviae

VIII. On the customs of the court And on the days when there are no banquets, the table for the Prince's lunch is more often than not laid in the small hall, but often enough also in the big hall or in the women's quarters (gynaeceo). Two of the high rank boyars