
The Offensive Of Childhood

I was never a child, I never had childhood… warm, golden days of puerile frenzy, the long-lasting serenity of innocence, the surprise given by the daily discovery of the universe, what do all these mean to me? I know nothing of them, or I no longer remember anything. I

The Sabine Amphora

excerpt  THE IRON PALM TREE In front of the Burebista eating inn stops one of those tiny automobiles that no one notices, a frog Skoda or a small Fiat, one doesn't know exactly what model, because the respective car raised a huge amount of dust that the Dobrogea

The Wheel Of Fortune

excerpts CHAPTER I How had the members of the Cherry Blossom Club gotten to the town of D. ? That was not a difficult one to answer. First, the little town was not very far from its twin, where the members of the Cherry Blossom Club lived. Then, as it often happens, one

A Streetcar Named Popescu

excerpts A Streetcar Named Popescu is a community theater show. The script by stage director Gavriil PINTE (b. 1961) is based on works by Cristian POPESCU (1959-1995). The show begins at a streetcar stop with the audience getting on the streetcar. Then the streetcar joins

Ţăndărică Hand Puppet And Marionette Theater

www. teatrultandarica. ro ŢĂNDĂRICĂ theatre was founded in 1945 and its first department (that of marionettes) was led by actress Lucia Calomeri, helped by scenographers Elena Pătrăşcanu, Alexandru Brătăşanu, Lena Costache and Ileana Popescu. Director Nicolae

The Beginnings Of Puppet Theater

The first traces of puppets were revealed by the archeological diggings of Cucuteni, Jassy county (and later in other areas). Sites from the Neolithic (6. 000-3. 000 B. C. ) have been examined and numerous figures made of bone or clay, which were probably used for religious

Romanian Theater For Children On Tour

The echo of the rich activity of Romanian theater for children on four continents has surpassed even that of theater for adults. This was possible because, in 1965, eleven countries, including Romania, founded in Paris, ASSITEJ – the International Association of Theater

Ion Creangă Theater

www. teatrulioncreanga. ro Manager of Ion Creangă Theatre Ion Creangă is a children's theater whose shows are inspired from fundamental themes of childhood mythology and oriented towards culture and education. The current repertoire includes: Pinocchio, Puss in Boots,

Creangă And Gopo

Gopo's Little Man (see Short History - click on Scurta istorie to see movie) I have been studying the Gopo archive belonging to the National Film Archive for some years, and now the first volume goes to print. It contains only a part of the legacy left by the film genius,

From The Musical Folklore Of Children To The Comic Opera For Children

In 1954, the great Romanian ethnomusicologist Constantin Brăiloiu (1893-1958) held a scientific presentation at Colloque de Wegimont in Belgium that amazed all specialists present in the audience, because it unsettled all theories regarding the musical culture of children


excerpt REGNUM PUERILE I was pondering, among other things, about the ways of ogres and dragons, as people were wont to talk about them so much. They were bad, they were mad, they were downright evil – and frightening, though not existing in point of fact. This must

What I Did In The Summer Holidays

excerpt  Then on another day I didnt get up to much apart from loafing around the house aimlessly and especially up in the apricot tree where dad didnt know I could climb and get away with it because what does he know? He comes home in the evening and if he plays with