
Eulogy To The Romanian Peasant

Maiden Speech at the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 1940excerpts Gentlemen of the Academy,Honorable Audience, I am elected to a newly-established institution, and I wish to preserve the academic tradition of lauding a forerunner, therefore I feel obliged to come forward with

Editor's Note

To carry out a veracious analysis of a people's psychology is a utopian thought, and the multiple risks involved in making estimates and commentaries on the specificity of a still maturing nation become unavoidable. Each individual is a small, but unique and unrepeatable

Old-Court Philanderers

excerpts Que voulez-vous, nous sommes ici aux portes de l'Orient, où tout est pris à la légère. Raymond Poincaré*Welcoming the Philanderers…au tapis-franc nous étions réunis. L. Protat**Although no further than the night before I had promised myself under

History And Literature In Lisbon

Lisbon, a town whose name comes from the mythical traveler Ulysses – so they say – , illustrated in the Middle Ages by so many navigators and explorers curious and eager for adventure, shows to the visitor first its drowsy side. It is true that I first visited it on


All roads to the West go through Vienna. Generous crossroads where the western world fuses with the horizons of eastern Europe and the Germanic spirit seems to have rich confluences with Latinity, the old Austrian metropolis still conveys the same charm that those claras

Journey Around The Earth

You do not need a passport to travel to Egypt or to any other English colony. A visit card will do. In Alexandria, I made friends with the tropical flora: date trees that bear almost 100 kg of fruit each year, bananas or the cursed fruits because they grow without any effort

Preface To Extraordinary Travels, CD Press, 2001

excerptIn 1898, at the general assembly of the Romanian Geographic Society, its general secretary, George I. Lahovary, presenting a report on the activities performed the previous year, remarked that the Romanians had lately undertaken travels and even explorations of some

The Art Collector Ion Minulescu

Shortly after World War I a new name amidst art collectors in the know started to compel recognition: that of poet Ion Minulescu. At that time, more intensely than in previous years, he would, due among others to his obligations as Director General of the Arts, visit exhibitions,

REEDITARE / Alexandrina Cernov, Ilie Luceac - Cernăuţi / Chernovtsy 1408-2008 (album), 158 p.

Fotografii: Mihail Cratofil Traducere în limba engleză: Samuel Onn Traducere în limba ucraineană: Alexandrina Cernov, Ilie Luceac Traducere în limba germană: Mariana Koch Albumul conţine o scurtă introducere în care este prezentată istoria de şase sute de

Ionescu-Mihăieşti House

I often meet people who are trying to sell a painting or some other work of art, claiming that it's a part of their collection. They are really mistaken. Every man furnishes his house according to his possibilities and his tastes. A rich man can have in his house paintings

The Birth Of A Museum In Memoirs And Documents

The Eng. Dumitru Minovici Museum of Ancient Western Art at 3 Nicolae Minovici St. in Bucharest was born in June 1945 as a result of the donation made by Dumitru Minovici to the Romanian Academy. It is the only museum of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest. We will first present


excerpt Finally, one Sunday the old man decided that we should drive to the estate belonging to an uncle of mine in Arges, to Manesti, and spend three-odd days there. We had to leave early, so as to get there by noon. But since the old man had some kind of unexpected business,