
22 Sep 2022

Expoziția INTROSPECTIONS a artiștilor români Suzana Fântânariu, Anca Szönyi Thomas și Dorin Crețu la ICR Paris

În perioada 26 septembrie – 14 octombrie 2022, Institutul Cultural Român din Paris organizează, în colaborare cu Ambasada României în Franța și Casa de Cultură a Municipiului Timișoara, expoziția „INTROSPECTIONS / INTROSPECȚII” a artiștilor români Suzana

21 Aug 2017 - 25 Aug 2017

Concert de pian Lia Popa @ICR Viena

ICR Viena și TU Wien (Universitatea Tehnică din Viena) organizează marți, 21 august 2017, ora 18. 30, la sediul Institutului din Argentinierstraße 39, un recital în interpretarea pianistei Lia Popa. Evenimentul continuă seria manifestărilor dedicate pianistului

1 Sep 2015

Pianista ieşeancă Lia Popa ovaţionată în centrul Londrei, la St Martin-in-the-Fields

Pe data de 1 septembrie, în cadrul Seriei româneşti pe care ICR Londra o organizează în impresionanta sală de la St Martin-in-the-Fields, biserica parohială a Casei Regale britanice şi una dintre cele mai importante scene muzicale londoneze, pianista ieşeancă Lia

Bucharest Meet Amsterdam

Life is nothing but a perpetual interrogation mark placed above that strange and intriguing image of our very own childhood… and where does it even start to provoke our conscience? Remember that grumpy and oversized street, your everyday neighbors that couldn't restrain

The History Of Nothing: Contemporary Architecture And Public Space In Romania

Richard Rogers Partnership proposal, 1996People's House (Parliament) After 1989: Methods of researching the built environmentResearching Communist architecture is a tricky endeavor in contemporary Romania, where some major actors of that era are still alive, some even

Iulia Hasdeu: A Queen's Diary

The bibliography of my works I threw into the pyre included a 125-pages psychoanalytical study about Iulia Hasdeu. I had discovered her diaristic notes at the State Archives. They were then, and still are, a novelty, and perhaps a sensational thing; I'm talking about

Jungle: The Daily Dose Of Excess

excerpts Unfortunately, in this country we talk, but do not communicate, in the sense of a science of communication. This is particularly obvious in the public area, where people do not express thanks, do not salute, and address each other on familiar terms without justification.

Return To The Interwar Bucharest

excerpts  So closeSuddenly, the interwar people make the body visible: men are allowed to shave off not only their beards, but also their moustaches – a facial change that overthrows an aesthetic canon with centuries-old resistance – and women, punished and ridiculed

On The Generation In Shambles, 1936

The generation preceding us gave several peaks: Ion Barbu, in poetry, Tudor Vianu, creator of aesthetic systems, none of the most refined, but solid nonetheless, Lucian Blaga, in metaphysics and the philosophy of culture, Nae Ionescu, Cezar Petrescu, novelist of failures,

The Transfiguration Of Romania, 1936

excerpts Chapter II: The Romanian Adamism  Oh God! What have we been doing for a thousand years?! All our life, ever since a century ago, is nothing but the process through which we realized we actually did nothing… the comparison with what was accomplished in other countries