Interview With Magdalena Popa
Art critics acclaimed Magdalena Popa: She is one of the most dazzling stars of the century. She was regarded as a goddess of this art. Her small body expressed grace, a sort of ritual noblesse. Born in Bucharest, she graduated from the High School of Choreography and then
Horia Andreescu
Born: October 18, 1946 in Brasov, Romania Studies: MusicHigh School in Brasov; Academy of Music, Bucharest (Professor Constantin Bugeanu – conducting, Professor Stefan Niculescu – composition); Academy of Music, Vienna (Professors: Hans Swarowsky and Karl Oesterreicher;Mastership
A Portrait In Smithereens
At night, when sleep is slow to come in a somewhat strange bed, you listen tensely to any sort of noise and try to decode the shades momentarily cast by car lights on the white of the walls. That is how I realized she was there, waiting on the threshold of the door. You
The Passage
1. You open one door and there appears another, then another, and another, up to the last one – which does not even exist – and thus you find yourself at the first door – which does not even exist – and you make a round, once more, unto familiar places, as what you
The Lightened Burrow
excerpts When I call up one of these memories with my eyes closed and it is reborn with the intensity of its previous reality; when at other times, with the same intensity and in the same convincing light, settings and events which never happened pass through my mind; when
Occurrences In Current Unreality
excerpts I could find antiques and old objects evoking sad memories on still another deserted floor in my grandfather's house. There the walls were covered by strange pictures having thick, gilded, wooden frames, or thinner frames of red plush. There were also several
Europe Has The Shape Of My Brain
*More than a century ago Europe was not yet known as a cultural construction, an intellectual day-dream, a heap of broken images, a copy in a world without originals. Artists tried to escape the big fortress ensconced in coal smog and torn by wars, social conflicts, and
The Dance - Part Of An Itinerary
Choreographer The arts are long voyages of the spiritual in the material reality, unleashing the imaginary, freeing the phantasms, exploiting the miracle of representation. Without being as rich as the other artistic branches in events meant to shape its history, the dance
All roads to the West go through Vienna. Generous crossroads where the western world fuses with the horizons of eastern Europe and the Germanic spirit seems to have rich confluences with Latinity, the old Austrian metropolis still conveys the same charm that those claras
The Photographer Commandos
Photographing is one of those imperatives that deeply strikes the traveler abroad. As it usually happens in these cases, the merchants don't miss this opportunity. Hence, an entire machinery was created to satisfy the tourists. With the corresponding foreign currency
Indonesian Log
excerpt The first encounter with the coral reefs occurred near the island of Pari, by the northwestern coast of Java, on the 12th of March 1991, a memorable day as, in the morning, we had also captured, in the shallow waters of the lagoon, a beautiful Python reticulates
Journey Into The Unknown
For centuries now, every once in three years, The Feast of Immortality – Kumbh Mela, takes place alternatively in four Indian centers : Allahabad and Hardwar (Uttar Pradesh state), Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) and Nasik (Maharashtra). Descending from Vedic mythology, the feast