What Mystery Love Is...

Around 1820, Barbu Paris Mumulean thus concluded one of his poems: Hankering I will not fade / Cupid cometh but in aid / thus in luxury I may / crave until I wilt away. In actuality, these verses word the ideal of a generation that sets out to inventory, and answer for,

Hyperion's Travels

excerpt A Gypsy woman materializes out of a bush with two brats in tow; they're tugging at her flowery skirts.  Give us a grand, do, for the sake of them pretty eyes of yours, an' let yer decent soul rejoice for evermore.  And are we goin' to have our fortunes

Religious Conversion In 19th Century Moldavia

The baptized JewIn the late 1990s I had planned to include at the end of my book The Imaginary Jew in Romanian Culture a chapter entitled The Baptized Jew. As I worked on this subject I realized that it had been extensively discussed by the historian Mihai-Răzvan Ungureanu

Snapshots From The Lives Of Italians In Romania

The Ararat Publishing House published late last year a sentimental book entitled Stories' from the lives of Italian ethnics in Romania. I have known its author, Modesto Gino Ferrarini, for a long time, ever since our young days as journalists. Although he has been a

Pentecost At Csí­ksomlyó - A Hungarian National Holiday?

Situated on a hill in the midst of the Csík valley in the heart of Szeklerland, the Franciscan order in the small village of Csíksomlyó hosts the largest annual pilgrimage in Central Europe. Regardless of their religious affiliation, three to four hundred thousand Hungarians

The Bitter Aftertaste Of Finis Saxoniae

excerpt Let's not be beastly to the nemţi[1], indeed. We owe them solid buildings dating back to prosperous times, they founded many a fortified city and settlement of historic importance; in one of our common sayings, absolute fairness is equated to splitting costs

Poids De La Moldovalachie Dans La Question D'Orient

La question d'Orient, question dont la gravité et les résultats précieux n'ont rien de comparable dans les annales de la diplomatie moderne, cette question, éminemment européenne, essentiellement anglo-française, offre une occasion heureuse de faire prévaloir

Rich And Poor, 1945

excerpts I For a century, the psychology of the Romanian people has found itself in continual transformation. This has corresponded (since 1829, that is, since the treaty of Adrianopolis whereby the Romanian Principalities joined the Western capitalist complex) to a gradual,

The Goals And Destiny Of The Romanian Bourgeoisie, 1942

The capitalist spirit of Romanians (. . . ) Our spirit is far from representing any predisposition to capitalism. We are, by nature, rather anti-capitalists. That is why strangers have found it so easy to occupy the positions derived from capitalism. That is why Romanians

The Transfiguration Of Romania, 1936

excerpts Chapter II: The Romanian Adamism  Oh God! What have we been doing for a thousand years?! All our life, ever since a century ago, is nothing but the process through which we realized we actually did nothing… the comparison with what was accomplished in other countries

Psychology Of The Romanian People, 1937

excerpts II In the following paragraphs, we intend to outline a few data regarding the spiritual traits of the Romanian people, from the point of view of its social and economic life. Most of these data are obtained by comparing habitual spiritual manifestations of Romanians

The Mioritic Space, 1936

excerpts Cultural Differences The Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox spirits were favorable to different kinds of culture, each for itself and from its part. Catholicism favored the cultural creation that presupposes a massive creative front that is organized in one direction.