The Polish Community In Romania - Durability And Continuity

We are very aware that there is a continuity in history from past to future, through the present. Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski (1901-1981), Primate of the Millennium BackgroundRomanian history from the 14th century until the 18th century displays the significant influence

The Lipovan Russians Of Romania

The beginnings of Lipovan Russians in Romania need to be sought in the dramatic events that caused considerable upheaval in Russia, in the late 17th century, eventually leading to the division of the Russian society, and prompting a religious and social crisis the consequences

Jewish Identities In Interwar Bucovina

There were Jews in Bucovina even before its existence as a separate province. As early as the 18th century, some Jewish families in the German area looked for a better life in this northern part of Moldavia, which subsequently became Bucovina. Here they were given more protection

The Hungarians

Resentments between Romanians and Hungarians feed on a twofold frustration. Until 1918, the Romanians of Transylvania were generally looked down on by the Hungarians. They were largely peasants, with few townspeople and intellectuals among them, while Hungarians made up

The Hungarians

None of the minorities living in Romania had a tenser relationship with the majority of inhabitants. Still, Romanians and Hungarians have been living together for centuries. The Hungarians in Transylvania praise their past, values and traditions within a context that permits

The Germans In Romania

There had been groups of German colonists in all the historical provinces, which came to make up Greater Romania at the end of 1918. But these Germans had not immigrated into Romania: they had come to Bessarabia when it belonged to Russia (and was returned to Soviet Russia

About The Slovaks In Romania

The Slovakian migration to Romanian territory took place in several stages. It started in the 18th century (in particular the second half), and it grew stronger in the first half of the 19th century. The Slovaks mostly settled in four Romanian regions – the plains of Arad

The Bulgarians

Although not in large numbers, the Bulgarians have been the southern neighbors of the Romanians for centuries. They are a varied community in respect to religious confession, but united in matters of language and culture.  Short historyThe Catholic Bulgarians from Banat

Le Monde Homérique

ESSAI DE PROTOPHILOSOPHIE GRECQUELibrairie Philosophique, J. Vrin, Paris, 1934  INTRODUCTION Le plus ancien monument de la langue grecque qui soit conservé est celui des poèmes homériques. Ces poèmes sont peut-être aussi le produit le plus représentatif du génie

Le Conseil Du Roi Charles

ESSAI SUR L'INTERNATIONALE CHRETIENNE ET LES NATIONALITÉS A LA FIN DU MOYEN ÂGE I. LE PROJET DE CROISADE DE CHARLES II D'ANJOU, ROI DE SICILEDans ses récentes considérations sur quelques problèmes de l'histoire des Croisades, M. J. L. La Monte, dont

Nationally-Specific Art In Interwar Romania

Art history is usually at ease when imposing its own concepts and technical terminology upon an apparently unconscious body of visual accomplishments called works of art. For art historians and art critics, art seemingly exists in order for theorists to put words on it and

The Romanian Dimension Of Existence, 1943

excerpts ΙΙThe Being of Being Quantitatively, existence can be conceived of from the point of view of unity or of multiplicity, from the point of view of the whole and from the point of view of the parts. From the first point of view, what we will discover is the nature[1],