Romanian Modern Painting (1875-1945). Bonte Foundation Collection

Romanian Modern Painting (1875-1945) Bonte Foundation Collection Romanian Modern Painting (1875-1945) Bonte Foundation Collection Romanian Modern Painting (1875-1945) Bonte Foundation Collection Romanian Modern Painting (1875-1945) Bonte Foundation Collection Romanian Modern Painting (1875-1945) Bonte Foundation Collection Romanian Modern Painting (1875-1945) Bonte Foundation Collection Romanian Modern Painting (1875-1945) Bonte Foundation Collection

The General Directorate of Portuguese Heritage, the Romanian Cultural Institute in Lisbon, and the Bonte Foundation present the exhibition Romanian Modern Painting (1875-1945) at Ajuda National Palace, between May 13th  and August 30th.

The Bonte collection is a genuine Romanian modern art gallery which brings together works of the most important artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries:Grigorescu, Pallady, Ressu, Petrascu, Dărăscu, Șirato, Ciucurencu, plus twenty other well-known Romanian modern painters, in a superb orchestration of color, motif, genre, style, and love, as if reverberating with chords from  George Enescu's Romanian Rhapsody, will transport the imagination of the public to a realm of simple beauty and authenticity.