European Day of Languages in Prague

On September 24, 2015 in Lucerna Passage (Štěpánská 61) – Prague 1, Romanian Cultural Institute in Prague will participate in the events organized within the framework of the European Day of Languages by presenting an offer of Romanian language courses to the citizens of the Czech Republic.

During this event, Mr. prof. Jiří Felix will promote Romanian language and literature, and also present teaching support materials for both its tuition and learning. Meanwhile, on the official website of the European Day of Languages, ICR Prague has chosen to emphasize the Latin character of the Romanian language and its affinity to other Romance languages through a quiz about European languages, which is available for the public.

The event is organized within the EUNIC Cluster in the Czech Republic as part of a comprehensive program to promote multilingualism, which was initiated by the Council of Europe and dedicated to those interested in linguistic diversity – fundamental element of good intercultural communication at European as well as global level.