Launch of the Czech translation of the novel The Book of Whispers by Varujan Vosganian

Launch of the Czech translation of the novel The Book of Whispers by Varujan Vosganian

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Prague in partnership with the Havran Publishing House and the Association Czech Republic-Romania organize the launch of the Czech translation of the novel The Book of Whispers by Varujan Vosganian. The author and the translator, Ms. Jarmila Horáková, will be present at the event held on Thursday, October 13th, 2016, at 7.00 p.m., at the Vaclav Havel Library in Prague. Among the guests there will also be representatives of the Havran Publishing House and Ms. Libușe  Valentova, Head of the Romanian Language Section, Balcanic Studies Department of the Charles University in Prague.

The program of the evening consists of a book presentation and short readings - some representative excerpts from the novel -, followed by a Q&A session.

The Book of Whispers won several prizes among which: "Book of the year, 2009", offered by the România literară Magazine; Anonimul Prize; Prose prize offered by the Convorbiri literare Magazine, 2009; Prose prize - Mihail Sebastian Trophy; Prose prize offered by the Observator Cultural  Magazine, 2009, and many others.