Enescu 135: series of concerts, master classes and music conferences, December 4-8, 2016, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

Enescu 135 series of concerts, master classes and music conferences, December 4-8, 2016, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, in collaboration with the National Music University in Bucharest, the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and the Israel Conservatory of Music in Tel Aviv, is organizing between December 4-8, 2016, a series of music conferences, master classes and chamber music concerts. From Romania, there will be present, the Profil Ensemble, composer Dan Dediu and musicologist Valentina Sandu-Dediu.

The events will be dedicated to the celebration of 135 years since the birth of the most important Romanian composer, George Enescu, and will take place at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and the Israel Conservatory of Music in Tel Aviv.

Event program:

Sunday, December 4, 2016, at 17:30 - 19:30, hall 221 of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance - Concert of contemporary Romanian music performed by Profil Ensemble and presented by Valentina Sandu Dediu. The musical program will include works by George Enescu, Ștefan Niculescu, Doina Rotaru, Adrian Iorgulescu, Ulpiu Vlad, Tiberiu Olah and Dan Dediu.

Free entrance, the number of seats is limited.

Monday, December 5, 2016, at 10:00 - 11:30, hall 231 of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance - The lecture "History of Contemporary Music in Romania" delivered by Prof. Valentina Sandu-Dediu

Monday, December 5, 2016, at 14:15 - 16:00, hall 221 of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance - Chamber music master class delivered by Prof. Diana Moș

Monday, December 5, 2016, at 16:30 - 18:00, hall 221 of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance - Concert of contemporary Romanian music performed by Profil Ensemble.  The musical program will include works by Miriam Marbe, Ștefan Niculescu, Mihai Măniceanu, Adrian Iorgulescu, Dan Dediu and Doina Rotaru.

Free entrance, the number of seats is limited.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016, at 14:00 - 15:30, hall 231 of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance - Composer Dan Dediu presents his works

Thursday, December 8. 2016, at 17:15 - 18:15, Israel Conservatory of Music in Tel Aviv - Master classes delivered by Profil Ensemble, Prof. Dan Dediu and Prof. Valentina Sandu-Dediu.

Founded in 2003 by composer Dan Dediu, the new music group Profil Ensemble soon became one of the most valued and professional promotors of avant-garde music in Romania. Presence in international festivals, compact disc recordings and tours abroad (Germany, Switzerland) enhanced the cohesion of the ensemble in both national and international musical life under the inspired and confident guidance of conductor Tiberiu Soare. Designed as a modular and flexible instrumental formula (from 3 to 17 musicians), Profil Ensemble is a new music workshop, assiduously promoting enshrined values of both Romanian and world music as well as new creations of young composers.