Call for Proposals - Award for New Forms of Literary Presentation at the Week of Literary Happenings

In May 2014, the Literature House Lettrétage is organising a “Week of Literary Happenings” in Berlin. Declared aim of this week shall be the experimental quest for new formats and innovative forms of literary presentation. Collected from all across Europe, the six most outstanding concept-ideas will be invited to Berlin and receive financial support in order to practically realize their projects. As closing event of
the week, an international and interdisciplinary jury will award the most subversive and lively concept for literary presentation with the “European Award for New Forms of Literary Presentation”, which includes prize money of 5000 Euros.

The setup for a literary event does not necessarily need to coincide with the conventional setting of table, chair, author, novel and glass of water. Numerous ideas out there focus on providing literature with new ways of public outlet. Some of them have already been put into practice: From readings on public transport to various types of literary performances, poems thrown out of helicopters, skype-readings reaching across three continents, improvisations, elements of contingency, literary walks supported by mobile phone coverage up to cross-over projects between dance and literature et al. Organisers, artists and initiatives in all of Europe are bursting to unleash their creativity on the subject of revolutionizing the classical presentation of literary texts.

The respective project-idea in combination with the represented text(s) will naturally designate the accurate form of representation. In certain cases, the mode of representation might even be influenced by external factors such as current socio-political developments.
This call for proposals aims at all literary organisers and activists who are interested in new directions and have previously been engaged in finding innovative event formats. The Literature House Lettrétage invites them to apply for the “European Award for New Forms of Literary Presentation” including prize money of 5000 Euros. From all the applications, six will be shortlisted and realized in Berlin during the project-week from the 26th of May until the 1st of June, 2014. During the phase of realization, the Lettrétage will adopt an advisory (for example in the quest for appropriate venues) and financially supportive role. The prize money is meant to be re-invested in the realization and development of further literary projects. The projects that will not make the shortlist will be documented in a specifically dedicated publication. The following criteria will be decisive in order to be considered for the shortlist: Originality and innovation, proof of continuous engagement with the subject of literary presentation, compatibility between object and form of representation, reasonable realization costs, distinction from theatre and performance art. Despite possible performative elements, the literary text and its assertion should remain focal.

An international jury will eventually award one of the shortlisted projects with the “European Award for New Forms of Literary Presentation 2014”. Ultimate aim is not the competition but a fruitful exchange of Europe’s free literary scenes by installing a platform for ideas. More generally, the aim is to gradually shape a European literary public. Seminars for independent literary organisers offered at The Week of Literary Happenings will enhance its potential as a meeting place for literary actors.

Deadline: 14.01.2014
Application via email:
Contact Person: Moritz Malsch
The application shall include the following documents:
*Project Draft (ca. 1-2 pages)
*Past Projects (ca. 1-2 pages, if necessary with documentation)
*Short biographies of the participating organisers or activists