14 Jun 2013

Open Night of the Institutes 2013

Language courses, exhibition of designer clothes, jewelry and furniture, music and film were the main ingredients of a carefully crafted mix offered by the Romanian Cultural Institute for the annual sleepless Open Night held on Friday, 14, to Saturday, June 15. Having reached

29 May 2013

European Literature Night in Bucharest

All the readings in the 13 separate locations hosting the May 29th European Literature Night in Bucharest reached a total audience of over 1,000 people (corresponding to an average of 25 listeners / reading). During the first evening of Bookfest International Book Fair

15 May 2013

European Literature Night in Dublin, 2013

European Literature Night in Dublin The second Irish edition of the European Literature Night, with the motto Words on the Street, took place on Wednesday, 15 May 2013. Every half an hour, for three hours, Irish public figures read fragments of contemporary literature from

20 Nov 2012

Participarea Institutului Cultural Român la European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC)

Diferite feluri de instituţii (universitare, de cercetare ştiinţifică, bancare etc. ) au la dispoziție organizări ale Uniunii Europene pentru domeniul respectiv. Institutele culturale naţionale ale ţărilor din Uniunea Europeană se pot integra în EUNIC. Această

27 Sep 2012

Open Doors to European cultural institutes. European Day of Languages

Open Doors to European cultural institutes. European Day of Languages 27 September 2012 Madrid EUNIC Spain is happy to present a ground breaking cultural and linguistic marathon, giving the people of Madrid the chance to take part in over 40 original and engaging activities.

2 Aug 2012

Institutul Cultural Român în clusterele EUNIC din lume

Institutul Cultural Român în clusterele EUNIC din lume august 2012 Institutul Cultural Român, prin filialele sale din străinătate, este membru în 19 clustere ale Rețelei Europene a Institutelor Naționale de Cultură - EUNIC: • ICR „Titu Maiorescu“ Berlin este

23 Jul 2012

Rezultatele selecției pentru Programul de Schimburi de Rezidențe Curatoriale Europa-Rusia 2012 derulat de EUNIC

Opt curatori și manageri culturali din Federația Rusă vor fi beneficiarii unor rezidențe în Austria, Franța, Germania, Marea Britanie, Suedia și România. Rețeaua Europeană a Institutelor Naționale de Cultură – EUNIC anunță rezultatele selecției organizate

4 Jul 2012

Dorian Branea, directorul ICR Londra a fost ales preşedintele filialei londoneze a EUNIC

În şedinţa EUNIC Londra care s-a desfăşurat pe 2 iulie la Casa Europei, sediul reprezentanţei Comisiei Europene în Marea Britanie, Dorian Branea, directorul ICR Londra, a fost ales preşedintele filialei londoneze. Dorian Branea îl succede în funcţie pe Peter Mikl,

7 Jun 2012 - 24 Jun 2012

Fashion Road: Dialogue across Borders in Romania. A unique European-Armenian fashion design exhibition hosted at Bucharest

From June 7th to June 24th, 2012 the National Library of Romania (22 Unirii Blvd. ) will host a unique fashion exhibition which showcases the collaboration made by five European designers and five Armenian designers participating in the „Fashion Road: Dialogue across Borders”

22 Jun 2012

Open Night of the Institutes 2012

Open Night of the Institutes, one of the most popular cultural events in Bucharest, has reached its sixth edition on June 22, 2012. Since 2007, towards the end of June, we have been celebrating the cultural institutes in Bucharest, that on this occasion open their doors

30 May 2012

European Literature Night in Bucharest

Reading until midnight on May 30th! Ten cultural institutes made a selection of literature translated from nine languages and published in Romanian and invited authors, actors and media figures, who had three hours to carry us through the fascinating universe of contemporary

3 Apr 2012

EUNIC Curatorial Exchange Programme 2012: Call for applications!

EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) is delighted to present the Curatorial Exchange Programme 2012 for internship in European museums and galleries. Education and professional development of the new generation of young curators is now a top priority for