
10 Feb 2021

Cristiana Grigore on Roma People as Autobiography and Action

As a transatlantic echo of the complex and painful legacies brought forth by the Black History Month, we center the next conversation of our Feraru Conferences Online series on the traumatic journey of another racial minority, the Roma people of Eastern Europe, from their

27 Jan 2021

Oliver Jens Schmitt on the Perverse Lure of Extremism

As part of our Feraru Conferences series, Swiss historian Oliver Jens Schmitt, professor of the University of Vienna and one of the most influential international specialists in Romanian and South East European history, examines the dark fascination of radical political

13 Jan 2021

Cultural Values and Diplomacy for the Age of Intelligent Machines

Our program in 2021 takes off with another conversation of the Feraru Conferences series, featuring Ambassador Emil Brix, Director of the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna and influential Central European historian, whose visionary approach has shaped the doctrine and practice

23 Dec 2020

Chef Bogdan Dănilă on Life in the Culinary Stratosphere

As the festive mood sets in, our Feraru Conferences conclude with a special Christmas edition featuring Bogdan Dănilă, the only Romanian to have received a Michelin star and one of the young masters of New York’s exclusive dining circuit. Chef Bogdan talks about the

18 Nov 2020

Alina Bârgăoanu on Disinformation, Fake News and the Dark Side of Communication

With the next dialogue of the Feraru Conferences we descend into the hellish subterrains of the internet, boiling with hate, lies and un unbridled lust for domination, guided by Professor Alina Bârgăoanu, the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations of

11 Nov 2020

Queen Marie of Romania: The Ultimate American Tour

This week’s conversation in the Feraru Conferences series is devoted to one of the most beloved, and consequential, personalities of Romanian history, Queen Marie, and to her triumphal 1926 visit to America. Beautiful and eloquent, adored by her subjects and glorified

4 Nov 2020

Norman Manea on Life, Literature and Moral Dilemmas, Old and New

The next guest of our Feraru Conferences is novelist, essayist, and Bard College Professor Emeritus Norman Manea, one of the most celebrated Romanian authors of the past decades and the indispensable moral compass in a world going astray. Looking back to a long and eventful

21 Oct 2020

Criticul de film Andrei Gorzo despre 100 de ani de cinematografie românească

With his piercing critical gaze, sure sense of aesthetic orientation and in-depth knowledge of cinematic history, Andrei Gorzo is one of the most authoritative voices in Romanian film. In the next conversation of the Feraru series, the outspoken, revered critic will look

14 Oct 2020

Scrivere Pericolosamente: Rukmini Callimachi on High-Octane Journalism

Romanian-born four-time Pulitzer Prize nominee Rukmini Callimachi, a star journalist with the New York Times and one of the world’s experts in Islamic terrorism, is our next guest at the Feraru Conferences. The dialogue will reveal a personal and professional portrait

7 Oct 2020

Valentin Naumescu on Tectonic Trends in World Politics at the Feraru Conferences

The next encounter at the Feraru Conferences focuses on the perils and opportunities in a world of dramatic transformation, with massive impact on all aspects of life on both sides of the Atlantic, in the company of author and academic Valentin Naumescu, former Secretary

30 Sep 2020

Saviana Stănescu on Writing/Performing the Immigrant Experience

Playwright, screenwriter, poet and director Saviana Stănescu, one of the most successful Romanians in American theater and our next guest at the Feraru Conferences, discusses what it takes to make a breakthrough as an Eastern European writer in the United States, the strategies

23 Sep 2020

Adrian Bejan on the Ultimate Principle of Life / Feraru Conferences Online

This Wednesday in our Feraru Conferences series, awarded scientist and influential thinker Adrian Bejan, professor of engineering at Duke University and the discoverer of the groundbreaking constructal law, talks the organizing principle of life itself and its manifestations