
19 May 2017 - 21 May 2017

Festivalul Filmului European vine pentru prima dată la Gura Humorului

Anul acesta, Festivalul Filmului European ajunge pentru prima dată în Gura Humorului, un oraș cu un curajos festival de film, al cărui public este dornic de cinema de calitate. FFE Gura Humorului va avea loc între 19 și 21 mai, la Casa de Cultură Gura Humorului.

12 May 2017 - 14 May 2017

Festivalul Filmului European revine la Iași

Festivalul Filmului European revine la Iași, între 12 și 14 mai, la Casa de Cultură „Mihai Ursachi”, cu 9 producții foarte recente, puse la dispoziție de ambasadele și institutele culturale din Finlanda, Germania, Franța, Polonia, Ungaria, Lituania. Ediția

4 May 2017

Festivalul Filmului European își deschide astăzi porțile în București

Astăzi începe Festivalul Filmului European. Ediția cu numărul 21 va fi inaugurată cu Cealaltă Parte a Speranței (2017), în regia lui Aki Kaurismäki, filmul fiind prezentat în premieră în România, la gala de deschidere a Festivalului. Gala va avea loc

3 Oct 2015 - 10 Oct 2015

ICR, partener al Festivalului Internaţional de Teatru pentru Copii „100, 1.000, 1.000.000 de poveşti”

Între 3 și 10 octombrie 2015, Teatrul Ion Creangă din București organizează cea de-a XI-a ediție a Festivalului Internaţional de Teatru pentru Copii „100, 1. 000, 1. 000. 000 de poveşti”. Institutul Cultural Român se numără printre partenerii proiectului.

Wooden Roe Deer Deeply Bellows

Wooden roe deer deeply bellowsas the forest deeply sighs,whispy tree limbs wringing windwiseas the roe deer deeply criesno wise will his heart-felt bellowsmake me part from inner lies.  Yon the loner roe deer loweth,Echo carrieth his lament,bugle rumor seems his torment;lonely

Miniatures From Bucharest

Statuary art gallery in open airIn Bucharest, there are lots of boulevards, streets, buildings that have become so familiar to us that we almost no longer see their beauty, originality, uniqueness. . . It is like being in the middle of an enchanting park that you admire,

Sunday Morning. A Bourgeois Walk In A Post-Communist City

clockwise from top left: Smardan St. , Stavropoleos St. , Caru cu bere pub (2), Stavropoleos Church (3), Russian Church. Early Sunday morning before 10 A. M. , the city offers its first surprise. It is empty. The bare streets are visible in all their twisted length, without

Magic Lantern Projections: A Dialogue With Octogenarian Actress Dina Cocea, Honorary Citizen Of Bucharest

The oldest recollections of actors of your generation used to begin with the scene of a provincial school festival: the future star winning a well-known, sympathetic audience made up of parents, grandparents, family friends, touched aunts. The memory of past reality is overwhelmed

Bucharest Described By Sulzer At The End Of The 18th Century

Among the foreign writers who passed through or stayed in Bucharest and who, on this occasion, wrote their impressions, is Franz Joseph Sulzer. He was from German Switzerland; he joined the Austrian army and due to his achievements became a captain. In 1776, Sulzer was invited

At The Royal Cinema

The Lumière Brothers' toy, perfected year after year, challenges Thalia and Melpomene and the people of Bucharest take cinemas by storm. Businessmen are quick in smelling money, and thus many individuals whose energy used to be spent at the haberdasher's or on

The Herbs Under The Cross

Healing plants grow under Christ's cross and out of the blood of our Saviour. People in Germany and Norway believe that the grass of Sânziene (Hypericum) grew roots from the Saviour's blood drops. Other legends tell that the same plant was born from the blood

Ethnicity And Imagination In The Danube Delta

The Danube Delta is a land inhabited by Romanians coming from Transylvania, Moldavia and Oltenia (Little Walachia), as well as by people who came here from Russia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey. There seem to be two causes that led to this ethnic mosaic: a political one –