
3 Sep 2011 - 15 Oct 2011

Expoziţia „Culorile Avangardei. Arta în România între 1910-1950“, la Roma

După ce în 2009 a fost prezentată cu succes la Lisabona şi Praga, expoziţia itinerantă „Culorile avangardei. Arta în România între 1910-1950 ajunge la Roma într-o formulă expoziţională special concepută pentru Cetatea Eternă. Expoziţia va fi găzduită în

15 Jan 2009

România este pentru mine o surpriză...

. . . a declarat directorul Direcţiei Politici Culturale din cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Europene şi Internaţionale al Austriei, dr. Emil Brix. Sunt surprins că tocmai ICR Viena şi nu institutele culturale ale altor state vecine nouă şi-a propus să marcheze anul

20 Mar 2008

"Război pe calea undelor" la Londra

Aici Radio Europa liberă! Pe 2 aprilie 2008, această propoziţie formidabilă, devenită emblemă a libertăţii, se va auzi la Londra. Responsabil este regizorul român Alexandru Solomon, al cărui recent film documentar Război pe calea undelor va avea premiera britanică


Michel Pastoureau, director at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, where he teaches the history of western symbolism, has recently published a volume called Famous animals (2008). Until the 1960's, the animal kingdom had been neglected by historians. Now it is an integral

Bucharest – An Oddity Surviving Against All Odds

Bucharest (Rom. Bucureşti) has been some sort of oddity since the very first days of its existence. The legend has it that it was founded by a shepherd, named Bucur, and it was later named after him. Not remotely as glorious a godparent as the goddess of wisdom (the case

The New Man

An Individual without Individualism To a new society – a new man. Naturally, one would not fancy a communist world inhabited by middle-class people in disguise. That was the most delicate problem raised by transformist mythology. One could not rebuild the economy and

A History Of The Imaginary. The Truth Of The Myths

CHAPTER I Structures and Methods An Ambiguous Condition What if the history of the imaginary did not exist? Beyond all paradox, the question deserves to be raised. Following a hectic and contorted history, this discipline is hindered by theoretical and ideological difficulties.


1922-1928. The Beginnings. Magazines and Manifestos. The Intellectual International. The Theorizing Machines. 75 HP – the New Start of the Romanian Avant-garde. Integralism and Synthesis. Synchronism and Internationalism The first avant-garde magazines and manifestos

Laugh To The Left

In the visual arts, the laugh, the ridicule and caricature have a certain regime, which is rather different from the one developed in literature, mainly because it is an expression of criticism and contempt much more immediate and politically engaged. Starting in Germany

Revolution In Vintileasa

Almost no one in Vintileasa saw on TV the scene when the revolutionaries broke into the famous Studio 4 in the afternoon of 22 December 1989. The villagers were busy doing other, more important things. Some were killing their Christmas pigs. Others were stealing wood. Most

The Soccer Match

The match, said the propaganda secretary, ought to represent the clear expression of the class solidarity of the Vintileasa agricultural workers with all the peoples of the world. And the match between the teams of Impetus-Vintileasa and New Road-Ţifeşti, decisive for


The leader of a new political party has just written to me from Bacău. I quote:I have wandered the snows of the county for a few days now. I've had very little rest, but have walked and talked quite a lot instead. The electoral problem consists in wiping off the oratorical