
All This Dance

Arabesque Graceful silhouettes, jumps, pirouettes, endless rehearsals, precision, tenacity, discipline, harmony between body, movement and music to attain the purity given off during that glissade in which glided the white ballerinas in Bacovia's poem or in a painting

The Music Look

Alexandru Ţipoia (1914, Snagov, Romania – 1993, Geneva, Switzerland) is a rather less known painter even in Romania. This basically because of his pertaining to a limited category of artists whose career started in the most troubled years of World War II. Moreover, he


The moral picturesque is associated, in Dimitrie Ralet's Travel Souvenirs and Impressions from Romania, Bulgaria, Constantinople, 1858, with the ethnographic and lexical picturesque (He was a scrawny Turk, dressed in shalwar, jelek [vest] and kebe [cloak], with a raggedy

The Palace Of Art Collections

Director, Museum of Art Collections A magic and impartial destiny decided that, at the celebration of a century since the materialization of the idea of art collection and art collector, the reopening of a Palace of Collections should take place. An initiative, disputed

A Last Judgment That Lacks Heaven

The relevance of iconography for the study of the history of mentalities has been uncontested in the Western cultural space for the last few decades. The seminars organized in Aix-en-Provence on the relationship between iconography and the history of mentalities as far back

The Romanian Death Iconography Or A Different Kind Of Assisted Death

In the field of iconography the rhetoric of the end manifested itself initially as a history of silences, the absence of the motif being possibly equally significant as its presence since, as Michel Vovelle demonstrated, images interest us as expression of a selective, oblique

A Case Of Reduction To Human Scale: The Legend Of Master Manole

To the achievement of literary impact, Argeş Monastery comes up with a simple and ingenious solution: the absolute contrast between the soft and caressed tenderness of form, on the one side, and the wild graveness of the underlying tragedy, on the other. In the style and

Măsuri pentru consolidarea cunoașterii și prestigiului culturii române întreprinse de ICR de la 1 octombrie 2012

Măsuri pentru consolidarea cunoașterii și prestigiului culturii române întreprinse de Institutul Cultural Român începând cu 1 octombrie 2012 Activitățile Fundației Culturale Române, devenită mai târziu Institutul Cultural Român, sunt cunoscute, inclusiv pe