
The Pleasures Of Life

excerpt It happened, not too often, but especially after a theater evening followed by dull group discussions at a terrace forgotten open. Camil, the second day after the torture, ran wild. He met Sandu, the sports teacher, the scare of the second division at rugby, the

A Phobia To Noise

 Mr. Popescu, a brave citizen of Bucharest, abode on a street in the slums, where a coach driving past every other day would make a sensation. Cots would vanish into the vast grounds, enabling each of their landlords to bellow to their heart's content, commit murder

L’œuvre Littéraire, La Construction Intérieure Et La Reconstruction

Faute d'une explication préalable, le sous-titre[1] pourrait apparaître une contradiction in adjectu sinon comme une présupposition irrationnelle. Ainsi, devrions-nous élucider tout d'abord les termes conceptuels à tour de rôle et avec une patience que nous

The Rattlebike

When I go rattleriding my rattlebike up street,You're toppling in my wake on every sideAnd goggle at my progress from the sleetBefore you stand up rattlestupefied.  The rattleengine of my rattlebikeRaprattles and backfires in frightful fits. Girls call me names –

Think About The Elephant

My dear child, when you're sickOr feel afraid or sad,Think about the elephant.  One day, a baby elephant,In the jungle went astray,Where it's hot and humid –He was alone and lost his way.  He was scared and thirstyAnd looking to cool down,To take a bath at

The North Pole And The South Pole

Tell me if you can contrastThe North Pole and the South Pole. But no joke and tell it fast! In the North – and keep in mind –Polar bears and foxes one can find,Penguins and their females,And I'll tell you they're no tales. The North is a sea that's ovalWhile

Pelicans...Pelicans... Truth And Myth

excerpts The Austrian Eduard Hodek made a series of trips on the lower Danube between 1869 and 1886, which resulted in his thorough studies of the Danube pelicans and brought important contributions to the information on their life and habits. At the time, birds nested

Despre Editura ICR

Editura Institutului Cultural Român are ca obiectiv editarea unor lucrări de referinţă din domeniile literaturii, artei plastice şi ştiinţei, precum şi realizarea unor proiecte editoriale în parteneriat cu instituţii specializate din ţară şi din străinătate.

Catalog de prezentare Editura ICR

Catalog de prezentare 2006-2010 - în documentele ataşate. An: 2010

Concurs pentru bursele "Vasile Pârvan" şi "Nicolae Iorga" 2010-2012

Concurs pentru bursele Vasile Pârvan şi Nicolae Iorga 2010-2012 Agenţia de Credite şi Burse de Studii anunţă lansarea programului de burse de cercetare şi formare postuniversitară şi postdoctorală Vasile Pârvan la Accademia di România din Roma şi Nicolae Iorga

Punct de desfacere Editura ICR

Vă invităm să vizitaţi Librăria Institutului Cultural Român Aleea Alexandru nr. 38 (intrare din strada Ermil Pangrati) sector 1, Bucureşti tel. 031 7100 658 Orar L-J 10. 00 - 17. 00, V 10. 00-15. 00

Salonul European de Bandă Desenată

Pentru a marca marea diversitate a benzii desenate europene, centrele culturale din Bucureşti s-au reunit în cadrul unei mari manifestări dedicate celei de-a noua arte. Din 28 octombrie până pe 21 noiembrie, la Galeria ¾ – MNAC (în clădirea Teatrului Naţional),