Dimitrie cuclin

The Romanian School Of Conductors

It is no secret to anyone that in Romania every person who has a good voice and musical talent has sung at least once, in his or her youth, in a choir. People say about Banat, the western region on the boundary with Hungary and Yugoslavia that it is the land of choirs, because

Dimitrie Cuclin

COMPOSER, MUSICOLOGIST, WRITER, FOLKLORIST, INSTRUMENTALIST, ESTHETICIAN, PROFESSOR, BYZANTINOLOGIST, PHILOSOPHER Born in Galatzi (24 March 1885), he began his musical studies with his father, the composer and professor Constantin Cuclin, continued at the Bucharest Conservatoire

Bursieri "Nicolae Iorga" 2010-2012

ANCA MEIROŞU Născută pe 5 iulie 1985. A absolvit „Colegiul Naţional Mihai Viteazul din Ploieşti (profil umanistic, intensiv engleză). Între 2005 şi 2008 urmează cursurile „Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine(secţia Italiană-Latină) şi obţine diploma