
Nr. 98 / vara 2016

SUMAR Nr. 98Dincolo de evenimentAnne Applebaum - Victoria UcraineiTimothy Snyder - Războaiele lui PutinRodica Binder - Politici și identitățiPriya Basil - De unde ești? Idei filosoficeJürgen Grosse - Cioran, Nietzsche și resentimentulMichel Juffé - Sigmund Freud

Album Aurel Bulacu

„Bulacu a debutat cu motive figurative voit banale, prin tatonarea intimității casnice (…), a întâlnit apoi, muzeal, armurăriile, a bifat teme mito-culturale (Ciclopul, Oglinda, Metamorfoza etc), și-a adjudecat câteva prezențe animaliere (oaia jupuită, capul

Eugeniu Carada (1836-1910), 2010, 436 p.

Lucrarea cuprinde trei micromonografii dedicate personalităţii lui Eugeniu Carada, publicate în perioada interbelică: 1. M. THEODORIAN-CARADA, Eugeniu Carada (1836-1910), Tipografia Gutenberg, Bucureşti, 1922 2. MIHAIL GR. ROMAŞCANU, Eugeniu Carada (1836-1910),

Nicolae Stroescu Stînişoară - Întrezăriri. Itinerarii istorice şi metaistorice, (vol I - 558 p., vol II - 452 p.), 2010

Nicolae Stroescu-Stînişoară s-a născut la Tîrgu-Jiu, la 1 noiembrie 1925. A făcut liceul la Colegiul Carol I din Craiova şi studii de drept şi filozofie la Bucureşti, continuate la Munchen. Între 1952 şi 1964 a trăit în clandestinitate, fiind căutat de Securitate

Public Works From The Time Of Carol I. Acts Of Founding And Commemorative Medals By Nicolae Şt. Noica

clockwise from top left (see also What's old in Gallery): The Athenaeum, The National Bank, The Palace of Justice, CEC Bank, Romanian Peasant Museum, Domnita Balasa Church, Gheorghe Lazar School, University (detail). (Lucrări publice din vremea lui Carol I. Acte

Nature And Architecture: The Parks And Gardens Of The Capital

Cismigiu gardens, Icoanei park, Kiseleff park (see also The green within in Gallery). Many of Bucharest’s gardens and parks, which no longer exist because of extensive urban reorganising, were shaped as the aristocracy tastefully redesigned the open space around their

Los Judios Españoles - Prefacio

El año 1492, a la vez con el descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo, ha representado un paso gigantesco en la historia de la humanidad. Pero, al mismo tiempo, es la fecha de un acontecimiento que ha marcado profundamente y para siempre el futuro de España, ya que en aquel entonces

The 20th Century - The Century Of Avant-Garde

The year 1900. Europe's countries are divided on the question: does the 20th century begin in 1900 or in 1901? Some opt for 1900, by virtue of the change in the figure of the hundreds. Others are partisans of 1901, for reasons of more sophisticated arithmetic. Particular

The Art Of War

excerpt1 Day was a-dawning sluggishly on Saints Eusignius, Nona and Fabius, a Saturday as it happened; like unto a blunt blade scraping at the gloom caked all over our bodies did the daybreak appear, and impotent, too. The bells tolled half-heartedly and a thin film of

Inns, Churches, Parks And Avenues

Bucharest became the capital of Wallachia in the middle of the sixteenth century in preference to the earlier sub‑Carpathian capitals of Câmpulung, Curtea de Argeş and Târgovişte. It became the capital of the united Romanian principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia

I Kiss Your Ass, Beloved Leader!

excerpt Lying on the hot tile floor, Brave Leader was reaching back and scratching his ass with the Romanian people. What he lovingly called the Romanian people was in fact a tiny little bathroom brush with ivory engravings, which he never parted with, and liked to have

Brâncuşi And The World Of Music

For the sparkling sculptor of modern art, music represented a secret passion. It was only after the master's death that his close friends, V. G. Paleolog and Marcel Mihalovici revealed to the world the place the art of sounds took in the atmosphere of the mysterious