
19 Jul 2008 - 25 Jul 2008

Germania şi România - Transferuri academice, culturale şi ideologice

Titu Maiorescu Romanian Cultural Institute in Berlin  in cooperation with  Arbor Mundi. Institute for Advanced Study in Intercultural Humanism, Bochum and Moldova-Institut, Universität Leipzig Germany and Romania: Academic, Cultural, and Ideological Transfers

27 Jun 2008 - 27 Jun 2008

Noaptea Institutelor Culturale

Romanian Cultural Institute, in partnership with British Council, Goethe-Institut, Italian Culture Institute, Cervantes Institute, Hungarian Cultural Institute, Polish Institute, Valogne-Bruxelles Delegation, the Czech Centre and the French Institute organise, on the 27th

Lettre Internationale - no 98 / summer 2016

To our readers            Rereading history helps us to better understand contemporary issues. At their turn, present-day events modify our retrospective view, so that the past looks different, which explains why history has to be periodically rewritten. Anne

Chekhov, Shakespeare, Bergman văzuți de/seen by Andrei Șerban

Bilingual edition (Romanian - English) Texts by Andrei Șerban, Ana Maria Narti Photographs: Mihaela Marin English version: Samuel Onn In theatre, the event is the performance. Those yet to see the performance become witnesses to it through Mihaela’s photographs – perceiving,

EUNIC Summer Academy

The annual EUNIC Summer Academy (ESA) has already become a tradition and a great opportunity for the young employees of the national institutes for culture members of EUNIC to meet face to face and discuss possible common projects and the future of the network. The first

Open Night of the Institutes 2010

Open Night of the Institutes, one of the most popular cultural events in Bucharest, has reached its fourth edition on June 25, 2010. Starting on Friday afternoon and until the next morning, almost 70 unique events were held in 11 locations all over central Bucharest. Since


The Romanian Cultural Institute, a public body founded in 2003, is tasked with raising the profile of Romanian culture around the world. In order to achieve this, it spreads information and spearheads cultural projects involving Romanian artists and writers. Furthermore,


Plural is an English-language book-format magazine published under the aegis of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Bucharest, Romania (with branches in: Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Istanbul, Lisbon, London, Madrid, New York, Paris, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, Szeged, Tel Aviv,

Gambrinus Ale House, A Stylish Ruin

Peeled off plaster, broken windows, rats scuttling at ease day and night. And above all, the filth. Complete and utter filth reigning supreme over a piece of downtown Bucharest. But also over a piece of our past. The only part still living is the sign above the door, reading

I No Longer Love Bucharest

I no longer love Bucharest. I'm no longer hoping something can be done about this dump of Europe An interview with Mircea Cărtărescu by Ion Longin Popescu Slowly but surely, the old, historic Bucharest – the little that was left after Ceauşescu's demolishing

Mitica Is Dead

Revolution Square Last time when Bucharest was flooded, when in some districts the water rose as high as half of the Dacia car parked on the sidewalk, none of the Romanian reporters or newscasters failed to draw a comparison between our capital and a “European” one.

Grigore Antipa In The Bucharest Of The Beginning Of The 20th Century

Grigore Antipa Museum of Natural History Having returned to the country after finishing his studies his studies and his PhD. thesis, awarded summa cum laude at the famous University of Jena, on 1 April 1893 Dr. Grigore Antipa was appointed director of the Zoology department