Ana blandiana

Matthias Buth - Rumänien hinter den Lidern / România dincolo de pleoape (poeme), 2009, 80 p.

Traducere în limba română de Anni-Lorei Mainka, Norina Procopan şi George Guţu. Născut în 1951 la Wuppertal, scriitorul Matthias Buth a publicat până în prezent mai multe volume de poezie, printre care Die Stille nach dem Axthieb / Liniştea de după lovitura


I set out on my exile into myself,you are my countrywhich I can no longer approach,you are the country where I was bornand learnt to speak,I know only you in the world. I swam in your eyes so oftenreturning to shore with my body all blue,I navigated you so many timeswatching

The Nature And Texture Of Peoples

 I must admit I didn't quite understand in the beginning why, shortly after 1989, the Western mass-media has so hastily labeled us as suffering from a deep identity crisis. I was downright indignant: after having sadistically experimented Communism on us for half

The Childhood Certificate

I once experienced a terrible fright. I woke up one day to discover a different world from what I knew it to be, more clear-cut, more plainly divided into complementary colors and opposite moral categories. It all looked like in a naive painting: clear and graphic. The only

Star On My Street

Before I proceed any further, I shouldParenthetic'ly pause in my taleFor writing a chapter (also called interlude)Whose hero – though part of the plot –I am glad to inform is notA stray cat (either male or female).  There's no epithet apt to explainThe cat