
Intellectuals And Their Radical Political Involvement: Reflections And Subsequent Perceptions

In the last decades, particularly after the collapse of the communist regimes, ardent debates have taken place regarding the political commitment of certain great intellectuals and writers, generating even theoretical and philosophical reflections, concerning the relationship


Twenty years ago, religious people had to hide their inclinations. Otherwise they would have been mercilessly mocked at, because atheism enjoyed, then, a great popularity. It was the time of endless hopes over positivism, over the omnipotence of the scientific postulates,

The Mission Of A Generation, 1928

Creative time, the one that does not make history, is not homogenous and equal. It is not divided according to calendars and clocks. It is rather an alternation of shadow and light in periods of uneven lengths. Now, an impetuous outburst of assertion, of tension and of work.

Europeanism And Traditionalism, 1924

excerpt We have finally got our own querelle des anciens et des modernes. Several traditionalist publications are once again demanding clear, classical art. Others ask for authentic Romanian art, that is, inspired from national velleities and potential. Finally, some denounce

Tradition And Modernity In The 1920s (III)

excerpts Chapter III. Reason and rationalism under accusation  2 The truth is that any objective examination of the ideological phenomenon that we are studying cannot avoid the conclusion that things were quite similar in France and Germany. By entering the territory

Religion And Identity In Interwar Romania: Orthodoxism

In the two decades between the world wars the majority of Romanian intellectuals were engaged in a grand debate about what it meant to be Romanian and how national character determined social and political development. [1] The ideological commitments of the protagonists

EURESIS nr. 1-4 / 2011

Ediție în limbile engleză și franceză Le concept de presence / The Concept of Presence Cuprins Argument MICHEL DEGUY – À eclipses J. HILLIS MILLER – The presence to Oneself in Decision-Making MIRCEA MARTIN – Poésie et Présence: pour un réenchantement du