
Delta Music Fast Food

Organised by the Anonimul Foundation, the Delta Music Fest took place between the 30th of August and the 2nd of September in Sfantu Gheorghe. This was yet another polluting festival hailed by environmentalists fighting to save the Danube Delta. As places in need of saving

Anonimul 2007

The Anonimul International Independent Film Festival celebrated its fourth birthday in 2007, a critical year seeing as many did not give the festival much chance of success due to the fact that, according to the naysayers, it took place in the middle of nowhere. In fact,

Boulanger - A Romanian Mantovani

listen to Georges Boulanger playing Gypsy Serenade click here to read more At the beginning of the 20th century, the Danube Delta was a cradle of violinists born in the towns on the land (Sulina, Tulcea) that the great river crosses just before opening its arms, as if

The Research On The Danube Delta In The Program Of The Grigore Antipa National Museum Of Natural History In Bucharest

The National Museum of Natural History has its origins in the National Museum of Natural History and Antiquities, founded through Act no. 143/3rd of November 1834, signed by Alexandru Dimitrie Ghica – the first ruler of Muntenia after the modernizing Organic Regulations,

A Short History Of A Few Settlements In the Danube Delta

Museum of History and Archeology Institute for Ecomuseum Research in Tulcea An insight into the written sources related to Dobruja shows that life has been continuous and constant in the historic dwelling places of this area. This statement is valid for the settlements

When Dream, Play And Innocence Are Serious

Where do I come from? I come from my childhood. I come from my childhood as from a country. Antoine de Saint-Exupery Is fascination with childhood a convention? No, inasmuch as, for most of us, childhood was filled with wonderful things and games, fairy tales and ingenuity,

The Foreigners And The Modernization Of Bucharest

excerpts Short overview The modernization of Bucharest was a complex and dynamic historical process, spanning roughly the interval between 1848-1948, a period when the process of modernization of the Romanian society in its totality revolved around the town of Bucharest

I Put My Head...

I put my head – I pledged my head – in a bowl of plaster, right ear first, then left ear. The molding caught my hair and I had a hard time taking my head out; I had to cut my hair. Then I had to crop it, and from the cuttings I added to what had been caught in plaster,

Du Billet Au Traité: Le Français Chez Les Roumains

C'est un fait reconnu depuis longtemps: les plus grands accomplissements culturels des Roumains ont presque toujours transité la culture française dans leur parcours vers le monde. Brancusi, Enescu, Ionesco, Cioran sont les figures de proue de ce que l'on pourrait

Ideas And Ideology In Interwar Romania

For the Romanian cultural psyche, the interwar period still appears, after so many decades of indefatigable exegesis, as a real, alluring and embarrassing hortus conclusus, a closed garden of paradisiacal, yet so venomous intellectual flourishing. Major cultural achievements

Între ieri, astăzi și mâine. Manifest

Obsesia legată de creativitate ca valoare specială a neamului românesc își are originea în adolescența mea studioasă și a fost stârnită în special de întrebările pe care le adresam mai vârstnicilor din familie, singur nereușind să deslușesc misterul părăsirii

EURESIS no. 3-4 / 2008

Apel la Fondane, apelul lui Fondane A vorbi despre Fundoianu- Fondane, a reflecta asupra textelor sale – dar şi asupra destinului său – a organiza colocvii sau a-i consacra numere speciale de revistă – sunt tot atâtea acţiuni care n-au nevoie de pretextul unei