
S-a încheiat Ziua Francofoniei sărbătorită la sediul ONU din New York

ICR New York, în colaborare cu Misiunea Permanentă a României la ONU și cu Reprezentanța Permanentă a Organizației Internaționale a Francofoniei (OIF) la ONU, a organizat „La Soirée de la Francophonie”, un eveniment de diplomație culturală

The Collections Of The ‘Grigore Antipa’ National Museum Of Natural History

see Gallery The cultural and historical essence, identity and creative source of a nation all reside in its cultural heritage. It therefore has considerable historical, aesthetic, sociological and scientific value, and should be protected by society through laws, institutions

Aristide Caradja, Princeps Biologorum Romaniae

I did not meet the great, indefatigable entomologist Aristide Caradja (1861-1955), but everything I have found out about him from firsthand sources has helped me understand he was a unique personality, an absolutely fascinating man. It is undoubtedly an indirect kind of